
Author Topic: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 22 2/2/2016)  (Read 277699 times)

Offline Alexander de Wissont

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #125 on: July 28, 2008, 10:09:08 AM »
I need to find my jaw somewhere...
I have no questions. No critics.
Great :eusa_clap:
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Offline Dino!

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #126 on: July 28, 2008, 12:55:48 PM »
WOW! :ph34r: This is really awsome. I might even have a crack at making my own chaos dwarf terrain soon myself :happy:
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Offline Xander

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #127 on: July 28, 2008, 03:12:35 PM »
If you have any more questions about Chaos Dwarfs or Hashut, do not hesitate to ask!

We have a wiki of information at your disposal, and several experts on the lore:

Awesome work so far, and cool ideas with the bones!

Offline Midaski

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #128 on: July 28, 2008, 03:38:22 PM »
For the benefit of our Chaos Dwarf visitors I am sure that when Marcus has finished we will be able to persuade him to put everything into a single article and we would then enshrine it in our Workshop section.

His previous Wizard's Tower also has a space reserved along with his paint-station.

I am certain we could negotiate a price for a copy,  in gold, .................... or maybe freed human slaves.
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You mean they will be using Ouija boards instead of Tarot cards for their business plans from now on?

Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #129 on: July 28, 2008, 04:48:45 PM »
Hey All,

Sorry for the last post. When I uploaded the pictures I must have selected the wrong image size and they were too large. I have resized them. I really don't like having to scroll over to see the whole image, and I am sure you don't care for it too much either.

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Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #130 on: July 28, 2008, 07:02:56 PM »
This is absolutely stunning. I just went through the whole thing from start to finish and it is just unbelievable! The quality is amazing, the attention to detail is really astounding.

I can't decide if it makes me want to go and make huge quantities of awesome scenary or just give up for ever because I know I'll never come close to this.

Fantastic work though, really fantastic.

Really looking forward to seeing it finished.
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #131 on: July 29, 2008, 04:26:32 AM »
Holy crap, this just keeps getting better.  :icon_eek:

I'm glad you showed how the stonework was done, it's really amazing how realistic it looks.

I'm not 100% on the skeleton parts on the teeth (might be too busy), but I'm still curious to see how it'll work when painted.  It's an interesting factoid I didn't know about the CDs. 
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Offline Guildenstern

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 6)
« Reply #132 on: July 29, 2008, 07:04:36 AM »

I gotta think of Monkey Island when I saw this...

great work!
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Offline Teb

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #133 on: July 29, 2008, 01:15:02 PM »
He did it again...

taking rough sketches and improving on them in design and detail  :Ohmy:
I'll probably never get used to this and be amazed after every update.
Great work Marcus!  :biggriin:

I didn't have much time for sketches this weekend but i did get a chance to give the stone carving a try.
I also think an extra door in the rock wall behind the court yard would work well and add to the impression that the complex is just a small part of a larger mining operation inside the mountain.
And I didn't hold back on detail or complexity this time:  :icon_twisted:

I used reliefs of a Babylonian Lamassu as reference and made it a salute to the Bull Centaurs of the big hats. I thought a full depiction of a deity would look weird on a mining complex and would be reserved for more religious orientated buildings but by using the Bull Centaurs as "guardians" I still got to use the bull symbolic indirectly.

The main design is etched with lines into the rock wall and the heavy iron bound door and iron shields are in recesses into the rock.
Maybe you could also add runes. Would probably look best as metal plates mounted onto the rock wall but that depends on how much you wanna use runes on the complex, if at all.

I'm very curious how this will turn out with your wood carving skills if you use this.  :icon_biggrin:


Offline Douchie

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #134 on: July 29, 2008, 01:44:56 PM »

That is one awesome drawing, both you and Marcus have a natural talent  :eusa_clap:  :eusa_clap:  :eusa_clap:

Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #135 on: July 29, 2008, 02:24:25 PM »
Pistol Pete said: I'm not 100% on the skeleton parts on the teeth (might be too busy), but I'm still curious to see how it'll work when painted.

I feel the same way, Pete. The contrast between the gray and white just looks too visually jarring right now. I am hoping that when it gets primed and painted that it will become a more subtle detail.

Wow Teb. First, you must posses some, obviously, chaotic power of being able to look over my shoulder from half a world away. I was looking at photos of the same Babylonian bulls and thinking bull centaurs as well! :icon_eek: I am actually playing around with the idea of doing a massive one on the right side wall of the complex (as you look at it). A bull centaur would naturally fit the shape of the wall perfectly.

I like your drawing, but I must admit when I first looked at it this morning I was still a little bleary eyed and it took me awhile to figure out what I was looking at. The concept is right on, however, the level of detail may or may not happen given the medium I am working in.

I figured out a way to produce the runes exactly as you designed them, and (insert spooky/mystical music here) they would be in the form of iron plates bolted onto the rock face. The question is: Do you want it labeled as you posted earlier, as ... mine 3... and so forth?

Also I just recently picked up on the "tusks" protruding from the lower jaw of Chaos Dwarves. I see you have included them in your shield design. Pistol Pete's comment about the busy look of the gate is not lost on me. I want to produce a very detail rich environment, but I don't want to go over the top and have the piece begin to look cartoonish. If you see me heading in a direction you do not want to go, let me know and we can determine how to scale it back to fit your vision.


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Offline Teb

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #136 on: July 29, 2008, 04:29:12 PM »
There must be at least 6 hours difference, so while I'm fiddling on a sketch and post it round noon it's still very early where you're at...didn't expect such a quick response. :icon_biggrin:

About the skeletons on the teeth; I'm convinced the contrast will be a lot less when painted, especially if done in a dark metal color.
And while skeletons encased in iron plating gives a morbid feeling it's not the standard GW chaos look, which I wanna avoid for the most part really. The complex should have it's own unique "evil" look without resorting too much on gory trophies everywhere. For me Chaos dwarfs (and their buildings) should have their own distinct culture and look.

Wow Teb. First, you must posses some, obviously, chaotic power of being able to look over my shoulder from half a world away.
Good to hear my daily blood sacrifices are not in vain  :icon_twisted:

I like your drawing, but I must admit when I first looked at it this morning I was still a little bleary eyed and it took me awhile to figure out what I was looking at.
Which isn't a bad thing really  :icon_smile:
I made the design with old carvings in mind and tried to get an abstract look instead of a realistic portrait of bull centaurs. The symbolic guardians of the mines, representatives of Hashut.
Going even further, if the carving isn't too deep and maybe even worn at places the whole design will be quite obscure on a rough rockwall...people might have to take a second or even third look to find all the detail, which isn't a bad thing, adding to a mysterious feel.
By the way, a huge and very obvious wall carving might be a bit much and draw too much attention.

About the runes;
With such a project I can't help but come up with all sorts of background stories and I already had quite some stories and names linked to the mining complex. It would be extremely cool if you could use the example I gave...making the complex the third fortified mining outpost of the tower of Gorgoth.  :-D

And the "tusks"...
I mainly have the old 2e edition chaos dwarfs in mind but with it's own unique culture and look, which is in turn heavily influences by the "big hat" Babylonian look. But I certainly don't want a comical look! which the big hats had in spades regretably. Some Chaos dwarf fans may be shocked but I don't wanna faithfully copy
the GW chaos dwarf fluff and look. Luckily there isn't much detailed info on Chaos dwarfs to begin with and loads of blanks to work with. I'm also glad to see Marcus has no trouble using artistic freedom with the project which I applaud!  :eusa_clap:

The Bull Centaurs are meant to be a salute to the big hats but in no means a faithfull copy!
You may be right that the tusks are a bit too much and I have no problem in removing them.
The intention was to give the design a more "mystic/demonic" look by adding tusks but it's simply a too direct link with the comic look of the bighats and misses it's purpose.


Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #137 on: July 29, 2008, 05:31:22 PM »
Hey Teb,

We are so in sync with this project. I was wondering about the "big hats" and remembering you not wanting to go that route. In fact I have been going over the thread from the beginning just to refresh my memory. I think that the big hats work well on the bulls for a bass relief carving.

One thing that I need to ask you is this: Do you see this as a working mine, or an abandoned ruin? Is it mothballed with a skeleton caretaker crew, or is it heavily populated and in use. Is it perhaps a reopened mine. How old is it? Ancient, or relatively new? This will certainly impact how it is modeled. I just finished reading "Runefang" a Warhammer fantasy novel. In their quest into the Black Mountains a lot of references were made to somewhat eroded dwarf carvings on the cliff faces along the path they were traveling. I'm thinking old and weathered.

Also, for you Chaos Dwarves lurking around, I appreciate your comments and input. I have visited your site and looked at the wiki articles. As for posting this at your site, I am flattered, but I think I need to complete the project here first. And even then, I am still waiting for an audience with the Emperor to seek his guidance in this matter. As of yet he has not deigned to respond. Perhaps one of his trusted advisers could provide some insight.

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Offline Pistol Pete

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #138 on: July 29, 2008, 06:07:03 PM »
As far as "big hats" are concerned, i think Teb has admirably managed to keep the big hat vibe incorporated into his artwork, while simultaneously reducing the cartoonish nature of the old models. 

It's evident with both the bull centaurs and the "get to work, maggots!" cartoon.  The big hats are still there, but in a more menacing, more realistic look.  I've also noticed the same thing going on in the chaos dwarf forums.  I think this is a good middle ground, and I'm hoping GW will go this route if the CD are released again.

I still say I'd have liked to have seen a chaos dwarf tower with a big onion dome "hat", though.   :icon_mrgreen:
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Offline Teb

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #139 on: July 29, 2008, 06:33:02 PM »
Do you see this as a working mine, or an abandoned ruin? Is it mothballed with a skeleton caretaker crew, or is it heavily populated and in use. Is it perhaps a reopened mine. How old is it? Ancient, or relatively new?

Very good question Marcus.
I see the complex as relatively old, build a few centuries ago, as part of an ambitious mining project.
In a period of "only" half a century or so the whole mountain range/plateau was thoroughly mined of all precious minerals with the use of thousands of slaves.
After that activities died down significantly until about a century ago when the complex was put into active use again and refortified. It's main use now is as a fortified defense point for the region.

Dwarfs in general have a whole other perception of time, having long lifespans does influence what they see as "new" or "ancient".
From a chaos dwarf standpoint you could call it relatively "new" but the building is more then 2 centuries old.
Also, because of the heavy mining and industrial activities of the area the air is less then healthy, humans would even call it toxic...
So the structure had to deal with much more corrosion then can be expected for it's lifespan and needs regular repairs.

I hope that's enough information for ya  :icon_biggrin:


Offline Lost Commander

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #140 on: July 29, 2008, 06:46:49 PM »
First Marcus Leitdorf your work is awasome as i stated in another post.

Second Teb I as you wait eagerly to see this finished as everybody else and after reading your posts i am waiting for the finished result and hopefully the more or less "full" fluff you have created for this as i can see from your post that it is developing nice already.
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Offline Moriar

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #141 on: July 29, 2008, 07:23:18 PM »
For the skeleton parts on the door i have to say im not totally convinced. Tho i do have this vision of Han Solo frozen i carbonite. If you manage that it will be awsome.

Once again that drawing is just amazing. Its exactly the way i envisioned it in my head. Too bad i dont have the hands to draw it. It needs size tho. Im thinking the bull centaurs should be almost as high as the cliff wall itself. It beeing a mine i would also like to see it wide open with no doors. Maybe a railroad tracks coming out. This depends much on the space you got for something like that.

Beeing a fort, but also part of a mining complex im thinking fluffwise that the tunnel is connected to other forts in the area. Often used as a supply line instead of travelling the dead plains/wastes of (insert appropriate name of chaos dwarf controlled area)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 07:25:29 PM by Moriar »
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Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #142 on: July 30, 2008, 03:12:22 AM »
Hey Teb,

I am fast approaching an issue that only you can resolve. What do you want to use this piece of terrain for? As you can tell, it is going to be a very large piece. The base needs to be 38" wide by 32" deep. The mountain in back will most likely be about 30" tall. (96.5 x 81.3 x 76.2 centimeters)

Do you want to use it for gaming? Will it be strictly a showcase for your army? Do you want to use it for both? The reason I need to know is for final assembly purposes.

If it is strictly a showcase I will be able to assemble it in a more permanent, and thus, durable way. However, where will you keep it? The Wizard's Keep is somewhat of a problem for me. Leaving it out, it collects quite a bit of dust. My wife is rather cool to the idea of making a glass case for it and mounting it over the fireplace. :icon_wink:

If you want to make it playable it probably needs to be broken up into component parts for transport and storage. I think I can do that, but the assembled piece is not going to have quite the finished homogeneous look. And it will not be quite as durable.

Think about it and let me know.

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Offline Teb

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #143 on: July 30, 2008, 11:10:44 AM »
I must admit I've been thinking about this for a while now, especially with the project getting bigger...and bigger... :happy:

While I would definitely wanna use it for gaming a few times it's so big and specific it won't be a permanent or even regular gaming piece. So in practice it will mostly be a showcase.
Personally I'd like it in one piece because it would be a shame to compromise the overall look of such a beautiful work of art simply for ease of storage.
But I don't live that big so the final say goes to my girlfriend...
Luckily she's very understandable and would gladly place it in the middle of the living room if need be :biggriin:
But I don't think that'll be necessary. I looked around and I have several options for storage both for short periods or permanently so it shouldn't be a problem.
Also, most of my gaming buddies would be more then glad to help me out with storage...weird huh?  :icon_rolleyes:


Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #144 on: July 30, 2008, 02:20:01 PM »
OK, one piece it is.
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Offline Mathias

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #145 on: August 01, 2008, 02:40:22 PM »
Simply amazing!

The artistry in the concept work and the craftmanship of the model is astounding!
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Offline Moriar

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #146 on: August 06, 2008, 09:46:14 AM »
How about those updates? Its been too long!
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Offline Douchie

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #147 on: August 06, 2008, 11:22:17 AM »
How about those updates? Its been too long!


Offline Warlord

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #148 on: August 06, 2008, 11:53:18 AM »
How about those updates? Its been too long!


Hmmm, maybe now you know how it feels?  :engel:
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Offline Marcus Leitdorf

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Re: Chaos Dwarf Mining Complex (Update 7)
« Reply #149 on: August 06, 2008, 02:19:39 PM »
How about those updates? Its been too long!

I agree too! I have been doing a lot of carving on the walls and constructing the loading dock. I got a little carried away on the loading dock and It went through a couple of revisions. The walls are undergoing a minor revision as well. I think you are going to like it. I have several pictures ready to post but want to finish up the walls and the main complex.

Also, Teb, I need the rune for "FEAR" if you can work that out in the cuneiform style you have developed.

I am just as anxious as some of you to get to the finer details of the piece. There is just a lot of carving.

CRACK THAT WHIP! :icon_eek:

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