There must be at least 6 hours difference, so while I'm fiddling on a sketch and post it round noon it's still very early where you're at...didn't expect such a quick response.
About the skeletons on the teeth; I'm convinced the contrast will be a lot less when painted, especially if done in a dark metal color.
And while skeletons encased in iron plating gives a morbid feeling it's not the standard GW chaos look, which I wanna avoid for the most part really. The complex should have it's own unique "evil" look without resorting too much on gory trophies everywhere. For me Chaos dwarfs (and their buildings) should have their own distinct culture and look.
Wow Teb. First, you must posses some, obviously, chaotic power of being able to look over my shoulder from half a world away.
Good to hear my daily blood sacrifices are not in vain
I like your drawing, but I must admit when I first looked at it this morning I was still a little bleary eyed and it took me awhile to figure out what I was looking at.
Which isn't a bad thing really
I made the design with old carvings in mind and tried to get an abstract look instead of a realistic portrait of bull centaurs. The symbolic guardians of the mines, representatives of Hashut.
Going even further, if the carving isn't too deep and maybe even worn at places the whole design will be quite obscure on a rough rockwall...people might have to take a second or even third look to find all the detail, which isn't a bad thing, adding to a mysterious feel.
By the way, a huge and very obvious wall carving might be a bit much and draw too much attention.
About the runes;
With such a project I can't help but come up with all sorts of background stories and I already had quite some stories and names linked to the mining complex. It would be extremely cool if you could use the example I gave...making the complex the third fortified mining outpost of the tower of Gorgoth.
And the "tusks"...
I mainly have the old 2e edition chaos dwarfs in mind but with it's own unique culture and look, which is in turn heavily influences by the "big hat" Babylonian look. But I certainly don't want a comical look! which the big hats had in spades regretably. Some Chaos dwarf fans may be shocked but I don't wanna faithfully copy
the GW chaos dwarf fluff and look. Luckily there isn't much detailed info on Chaos dwarfs to begin with and loads of blanks to work with. I'm also glad to see Marcus has no trouble using artistic freedom with the project which I applaud!
The Bull Centaurs are meant to be a salute to the big hats but in no means a faithfull copy!
You may be right that the tusks are a bit too much and I have no problem in removing them.
The intention was to give the design a more "mystic/demonic" look by adding tusks but it's simply a too direct link with the comic look of the bighats and misses it's purpose.