Time for a little threadomancy! After another long absence I am able to resume work on the Chaos Dwarf mining complex. Not much new in the way of photos this time, but more to come.
I have completed the top to the main tower and have begun work on the stairs leading to the main gate.
The first seven are a repeat of the smaller tower top, just on a larger scale. The pattern is laid out and the inside is carved before assembly.
The material between the spires is hogged out.
The crenelations are cut out with a jigsaw and smoothed with a chisel.
The outside face of the top is shaped creating the slender tapered spires at the corners.
Finally, the outside faces are modeled.
The front steps were a challenge due to two problems. The angle of the front wall, and the fact that I had no material of the correct thickness to simply stack up steps and have it result in the correct dimensions. The answer was to simply use thick stock and cut the steps into it at the dimensions required. As you can see, I stepped one large piece and cut both sections out of it.
In the previous photos the square back edge of the step assembly prevents it from resting tightly against the front wall. An angle was cut part way along the back to allow for the proper fit with the lower landing wrapping around the corner. Once this is carved the gluelines will be unnoticeable.