@ Rufus: Why ty! Extinct races ftw.
@ Obi: Aye, sorta. To me the Priests armor suffered from "I have no idea what the sculptors were trying to do and it looks like an armored mess to me so I'm going to paint it all silver and call it a day" syndrome... anyhow, thankee.
Oookaaay, update time! Meant to post these up b'fore the holidays, but...

First up: Ye Olde Mounted BSB, a model Wiss had me splice together.

Close up of the (freehand) burning castle motif:

Other side, Brennenburg colors inside Wissenland colors. Please tell me I spelled that right...

Side view:

Now onto the Yellow Knight, because I haven't finished the other 4 knights in his regiment.

I do believe he is a Vanilla Knight, jus' like these Green Knights:

Wiss said he wanted some color in his army, and he got it

I think they came out decent enough, its been ages since I tried cavalry,
and I'd be ashamed to post up my SoC-Era Helf cavalry...


And now for the big reveal of my personal pride and joy, the "Leetswords".
Cobbled together from swordsmen and militia bitz plus some styrene and GS,
ye've na'er see so ramshackle a unit of Greatswords

Wiss asked me to "armor them up", which I did by covering the ugly Militia Greatsword right shoulder on most of them with a strip of styrene, and Greenstuffing a rather large left shoulderpad. They're a little bigger than I had intended... I blame this on having Dragon Age: Origins armor rattling around in my head at the time, as well as forgetting just how little greenstuff you need to do something - been almost a year since I used it last.
Anyway, I think it came out alright, and gave them a unique twist - as if they needed one...

Next is the Lionshead Spearmen Command, complete with banner.
Full Command:

Freehand Banner Bearer:

I tried to make the banner look like weathered cloth...

Wiss's models ended up being the guinea pigs of my GW Wash technique, since I got my first batch of washes about the same time I got his figs in the mail. So while I'm generally happy with how they came out, some things may look a little off because I was still figuring out a wash... I tried to fix that up as much as I could, tho.
And now for the full 30-Strong regiment...

General's Eye View:

And the full batch. 49 done, 14 remaining.

The remaining 10 Leetswords and 4 Knights are in various stages of highlighting and washes, so they should be done before too much longer. There's waaay too much cloth on those horses... and waaay too much armor on the knights

Also, yes, I have a teddy bear. His name is Checkers. I like to think of him as a lost cousin of Mogsam, one who prefers comforting and kindness over destruction and pyrotechnics.
Also, here's my finished Dwarf Cannon. I bring it up because it was originally one of Wiss's models that he traded to me...
That's all, folks!- Zandur