
Author Topic: Week 4 offensive plans  (Read 16125 times)

Offline wissenlander

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Week 4 offensive plans
« on: July 12, 2007, 01:00:40 PM »
Ok, talking to a couple of members here I've realized (as have they) that we need to go on an offensive soon.

This week will be finishing off the touches of securing the roads and more agressive patrols and fortifying activities.  Next week it would be awesome to get all regions together on a massive offensive to purge the forests!

We need wins this week though!  To have our plan work out the way it should, we need to still be in the top 5 ranking so we can have a good foothold to push off of.  If we drop we'll have to strike out in desperation instead of a position of power.  Wins are vital this week!

We need to get moving on this now because it's difficult to swing people into action in a two day period of time.

Strategize here for this offensive and have your voice be heard!
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2007, 01:12:53 PM »
We could push against the Skaven, seeing as how they keep getting close to us.  I know they are "aiding" us, but c'mon, we're being their puppets. 

A big "sweep the forest clean o' rats" could be just what the doctor ordered.  Make us puppets will they?  We'll give a taste a' the ole' Imperial steel for their trouble!
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Offline Veldemere

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 03:03:06 PM »
I think the problem with stating that we are following any particular race is that not everyone fights against that race. We should try to keep the plan specific but open to any opponent / battle (if that makes any sense)
Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2007, 03:15:01 PM »
Good point.
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Offline Rocky

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 07:16:47 PM »
I'm for the purging of the forest plan we just need to get the word out to all the Empire players we can.

I we report lots of battles for week four imagine the affect that we can have.
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 07:23:22 PM »
Would it be time to reattempt relations with the Wood Elves?
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Offline Michael W

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 08:13:23 PM »
Absolutely.  Apparently we're already working together (who knew!?!), so let's make it official.
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Offline MrAnderssen

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 12:38:24 AM »
I would like to add. Despite what some people think. Reporting as many battles as possible is not what gets you a high rank. It is getting a consistant amount of wins. At the moment of writing this the war room shows that orcs have played the most battles today, 180 and they are coming last. wood elves have only played 86 battles but are coming first. It's about quality NOT quantity.

So if you need help winning battles just ask in one of the other forums for help.


Offline wissenlander

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 12:55:06 PM »
Good point Mr. Anderssen.

Does anyone have any specific regional objectives that they'd like to accomplish with an offensive?
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Offline Michael W

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 06:45:22 AM »
I'd propose not for this week, but next (as this week we're establishing our communication lines) that we begin a naval campaign.  Many of our forces, bolstered by the arrival of elements of the Imperial Fleet, begin using the Rivers Talabec and Delb to move and attack enemies with unprecedented swiftness and un-Imperial aggressiveness.  Combined with attacks from our roads and outposts, we form a "Hammer-and-Anvil" style offensive to clear the forests and locate that accursed Crown.

Wiss, perhaps that could be the "striking and noticeable" style that earns us recognition and some "Hey, remember what the Empire did?" comments...

Just a suggestion.  It's, of course, up for debate.  My force is volunteered in advance for nautical duty, however, should the opportunity arise.
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Offline Lord Alexander

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 11:12:26 AM »
Good Idea but I suggest we attack Orc/Goblin encampments first as they just got a lot of reinforcements from the east and if they join they will become an unstopable mass!!!

The idea with river control is good but we would have to delay the purge the forest thing for another week :/ but I like it though. Maybe we could bring the Stir River Patrol (Elite river fighters) and ships of Engineer Gunboats patroling the rivers??? That would give us an advantage. What do ya think???

Offline MrAnderssen

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 11:53:38 AM »
The idea with river control is good but we would have to delay the purge the forest thing for another week :/ but I like it though. Maybe we could bring the Stir River Patrol (Elite river fighters) and ships of Engineer Gunboats patroling the rivers??? That would give us an advantage. What do ya think???

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Offline Tostig

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2007, 09:43:46 AM »
Personally I feel that the High Elf's devious backstabbing couldn't have come at a better time. We were looking for an opponent for next week's big push, one who wasn't already at the bottom of the leader board - and oh looksie, we have one.

Offline wissenlander

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2007, 12:26:42 PM »
Well, many ideas here.

Race specific attacks are always a bit troublesome because not everyone has that opponent.  We could write it in the fluff, but I'm not sure how many people really do want an open fight with the Asur.

I like that idea Michael W.  Would that be a good idea for the following week then or should we have an offensive hit at the exact same time as we have riverboats coming upstream?  That is definitely different and I really do think we should use it, but the only question in my mind is when?
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2007, 01:14:05 PM »
I'd propose not for this week, but next (as this week we're establishing our communication lines) that we begin a naval campaign.  Many of our forces, bolstered by the arrival of elements of the Imperial Fleet, begin using the Rivers Talabec and Delb to move and attack enemies with unprecedented swiftness and un-Imperial aggressiveness.  Combined with attacks from our roads and outposts, we form a "Hammer-and-Anvil" style offensive to clear the forests and locate that accursed Crown.

Wiss, perhaps that could be the "striking and noticeable" style that earns us recognition and some "Hey, remember what the Empire did?" comments...

Just a suggestion.  It's, of course, up for debate.  My force is volunteered in advance for nautical duty, however, should the opportunity arise.

I like this idea for the future as well. 
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Offline Veldemere

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2007, 01:32:23 PM »
I too am liking the idea of taking the waters back, in reality I feel they should have been the first thing the other armies would have fought for to ensure supply lines but they were all concerned with land grabs.

Stirland armies would seem naturaly adept at this but I think fluff wise theyr fleet would be not much more than rowing boats as the province is so poor, maybe there should be a few regiments from Nuln setting up gun emplacements for the Stirlanders to bring the enemies to.

Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2007, 01:46:27 PM »
I too am liking the idea of taking the waters back, in reality I feel they should have been the first thing the other armies would have fought for to ensure supply lines but they were all concerned with land grabs.

Stirland armies would seem naturaly adept at this but I think fluff wise theyr fleet would be not much more than rowing boats as the province is so poor, maybe there should be a few regiments from Nuln setting up gun emplacements for the Stirlanders to bring the enemies to.

That sounds like a rather perfect idea!
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Offline wissenlander

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2007, 01:49:18 PM »
Nordlanders would be good at this as well. 

Sounds like a good plan that we can agree upon.  Branching out into the woods after securing the roads (which is being solidified this week) with support from the rivers.
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Offline Veldemere

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2007, 02:00:30 PM »
We could even include that the materials and labour for our new roads are coming to us by river (similar to the gold rush of '49) where they hear there is paid work from the Emperor. We should not forget that whilst we are all here there is still a whole Empire of people surrounding us.
Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
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  I'm fine with Veldemere and his retinue of disgruntled's

Offline Michael W

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2007, 02:30:17 PM »
I like it.  :)  And regarding the "when," let's put this in for this coming week - in conjunction with our "through-the-forests" offensive.  A hammer-and-anvil blow.
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Offline Patch

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2007, 03:20:20 PM »
We could include reports of the Imperial Ironclad paddlesteamer that was used during the Storm of Chaos. One of the best bits in the campaign - reading about it unloading knights and steam tanks directly into the chaos lines...
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Offline Dendo Star

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2007, 03:40:06 PM »
We could include reports of the Imperial Ironclad paddlesteamer that was used during the Storm of Chaos. One of the best bits in the campaign - reading about it unloading knights and steam tanks directly into the chaos lines...

Sensational!  I like that one.  I am afraid this is the first I've heard of it, though!

Patch, would you and those familiar with this awesome Ironclad please write up some fluff and/or mention it in your reports?
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Offline BigDAWGSnaga

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2007, 02:43:17 AM »
I too am liking the idea of taking the waters back, in reality I feel they should have been the first thing the other armies would have fought for to ensure supply lines but they were all concerned with land grabs.

Stirland armies would seem naturaly adept at this but I think fluff wise theyr fleet would be not much more than rowing boats as the province is so poor, maybe there should be a few regiments from Nuln setting up gun emplacements for the Stirlanders to bring the enemies to.

Zoggin gitz! Weze Orc Pirates were da furst onez to claim da rivers! And yose umie gitz are supposed to be da smart onez? And when weze gitz Port Maw woikin, den its noffin but troubles fer yose skumgrodz! Kaptain Blacksquig will meetz yose gitz steel and kannon to steel and cannon anytime fer a round of river krumpin! Waaaaaaaagh! :icon_mrgreen:
"Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski! Condolences! The bums lost!"

Offline Veldemere

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2007, 07:54:33 AM »
I too am liking the idea of taking the waters back, in reality I feel they should have been the first thing the other armies would have fought for to ensure supply lines but they were all concerned with land grabs.

Stirland armies would seem naturaly adept at this but I think fluff wise theyr fleet would be not much more than rowing boats as the province is so poor, maybe there should be a few regiments from Nuln setting up gun emplacements for the Stirlanders to bring the enemies to.

Zoggin gitz! Weze Orc Pirates were da furst onez to claim da rivers! And yose umie gitz are supposed to be da smart onez? And when weze gitz Port Maw woikin, den its noffin but troubles fer yose skumgrodz! Kaptain Blacksquig will meetz yose gitz steel and kannon to steel and cannon anytime fer a round of river krumpin! Waaaaaaaagh! :icon_mrgreen:

I apologise, the Orcs had considered it, perhaps a little crudely but we can still rule the waves!

Welcome BigDawg.
Veldemere, Elector Count of Solland (Elect)
Quote from: wissenlander
  I'm fine with Veldemere and his retinue of disgruntled's

Offline wissenlander

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Re: Week 4 offensive plans
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2007, 11:47:14 AM »
Ok Snag, off you go.  I'll deal with you this weekend. :engel:  Shouldn't talk too much though the way my dice rolling has been of late. :dry:
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

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finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...