So I had a game while Wiss was down, with the man himself and criminally forgot to report it here. I used my humans and he used my newly painted orcs. I didn't really know how it would go, being so new to it. But here's a few pics.

I still don't really know what a good set up is for kickoffs. I guess it varies depending on your team and players, but hey, we did what we could.
I think I kicked off to him and it ended up in a nice pocket of Black Orcs, aghh!

With them being so slow though it took forever to get to my endzone and one step away, he fell over and fumbled the ball!

I felt like I was in a bit of trouble even now, holding the ball in my own endzone with orcs all around...

But I figured ok, keep your nerve, I dodged round the orcs and moved as far as I could, ready to lob a dodgy long bomb upfield...

Then the amazing happened... a catch under pressure! Surely I couldn't...

But I did... touchdown on the stroke of halftime... which sadly was where we had to stop due to ladyfolks being horrified that we were only halfway through, hehe.

Bit of a rotten intro to the game I must admit to feeling a bit bad. Having tried to advise as best I could, to let him get so close and then nab a sneak win I didn't even really know was possible... Wiss said he really enjoyed it, as you can see here...

But seriously it was a lot of fun and the way it played out was dramatic, if totally morally wrong. I know that had we carried on James would have kept a bit more in his backfield to help prevent such shennaigans. We just didn't really count on the explosive human pace and me lucking out all my rolls. Great game Bloodbowl is. I actually got in a full game with my brother, think I have a couple of pics of that which I will at some point come back and put up.