Had my 1st game with my empire yesterday 800pts vs another fellow empire player also new to the army

We rolled the watch tower which I dreaded as most of my army is mounted and he won the roll to be controling the tower
He also had a horde of 40-50 free company in his army + a shadow wizard
But as he couldn't start the game with horde in the tower and only had 10x hand gunners in the tower to start
First turn Luther flame strike made his points back shooting a 3d6 fireball at tower killing all Hand gunners I'd sent my demigryphs to go after his mortar and then flank his horde of freecompany and the knights moved up so they could in the next turn block the horde if they tryed to get in the tower in his turn he got a luck hit on my demigryrph's and killed one of them I was lucky and passed my panic check
For some reason he didn't go for the tower which was lucky as it would been hard to movethat many bodies with what I had
Turn 2 I moved up the whole army and charged my demi's in to a captain which had strayed in to my charge arch to take
shots at my Demi's (long bomb charge but I made it ) in magic I rolled high and managed to get off a 2d6 fireball and flame cage off on the horde only killed 8-9 but key it would hold them for a turn so I could shoot him a little more before charged in
The Demi's were in his free company's charge arch but I was hoping to kill the captain and over run out of
Combat went will his captain fluffed his attacks and I got 4 wounds on him but turns out he was a general not a captain and had a 4+ward which he then he made two saves on him leaving him on one wound and he passed his LD check which left my flank open to a charge from his free company
So his turn he declares a charge on my two demigryphs flank I asked him if he was sure as he still had the flame cage on them and that they would all take a s4 hit on ever one in the unit he said its OK and he still wanted to charge I rolled like daemon out of 36ish free company that charged only 10 made it to combat in the flank of my demi'knights
The bright wizard saved the demi's bacon as in magic his shadow wizard cast the withering and made the Demi's T down toT2 and reduced there weapon skill to 2 that horde would of had so many attack and a super high combat res as he had a bsb in that unit has well
After combat I stuck for one turn of combat then after a bad turn of rolling attacks and him sneaking a wound in I fled from combat (rolled a doulble six)but made away and rallied the following turn
The next turn the knight got off there horses and walked in to the tower
The fire wizard mopped up the rest of the free company and his wizard
If in this report you didn't read anything about the cannon its because the whole game it misfired or his shot fell short and didn't cause a single wound all game
Man of the match goes to Luther flame strike for wining the game for me lol