
Author Topic: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13  (Read 31776 times)

Offline Warhammer-Weib

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #50 on: October 09, 2013, 06:35:31 PM »

Offline Captain Dob Van Dwi

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2013, 08:21:04 PM »
+1 to awe inspiring greatness! Great stuff.
I choose too keep "Old Warhammer" alive with my blood sweat and tears.

It's bad that warhammer might die but it would be a tragedy if it stays dead!

Offline jimbeanie

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2013, 06:02:06 AM »

Offline JAK

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2013, 08:43:27 AM »
B - Having used the Bret shields on a cavalry unit I’d say be different and use them. I turned them round so the narrow edge was at the top, they don’t seem to look so clumsy that way. possibly lower them so that the riders head is visable.

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2013, 09:42:18 AM »
Thanks for all the  votes

Ive decided to do a mix of bretonnia , empire and I will chuck in some high elf and dwarfs shields too
All with the colours of altdorf

Anyway here's a quick up date all has been undercoated and the task  of painting the cav has begun

Once these guys are painted I will start work on luther flamestrike and some cross bow men maybe 5 more swords men

Offline somegeezer

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2013, 11:00:18 AM »
That's going to be a magnificent regiment.  :eusa_clap:
My Middenheim plog:

Sporadic ramblings about wargaming (not just Warhammer):

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) captasus 07/10/13
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2013, 02:43:34 AM »

so i havent had a chacnce to post lately but ive triedto keep the pace and do painting and building when i can

but ive had few day off and had lots of time for hobbying :)

here is the progress with the knights

also built my crossbowmen to ket the mercenery feel ive use bret men at arms i like how they have turned out

here they are with the basic colours and inked

also finally got my demigryhps built and painted had them for 2-3months only just made them today

since taking this i changed the knight armour to gold

also i sort my luther flamestrike conversion

comments are welcome

thank you for all the feed back so far

Offline DerBaron

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2013, 05:45:44 AM »
I always feel a bit tingly when I see an update on this thread :)

And I wasn't dissapointed this time either! The Flame wizard is awesome. The knights look good as a unit, you didn't go overboard with the shields, but added just enough of varying shields to make it interesting. Crossbows look good too, but I'd maybe use a bit more empire state trooper parts: the legs from the bretonnian kit are somewhat massive and can seem too bretonnian at a quick glance :)

Also, have you planned an armylist yet? And what units are you going to include from the game?

Keep it up!

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #58 on: October 17, 2013, 02:49:46 AM »
army update

crossbow men

Luther Flamestrike

Demigryph unit

Offline Albrecht Hexenjaeger

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #59 on: October 17, 2013, 03:00:08 AM »
Pretty cool work!  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
I got my affordable healthcare. Now I need affordable miniatures.

Offline Ad A Dglgmut

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2013, 03:22:49 AM »
Your bright wizard looks pretty spot on and I love the conversions on it.  If I remember correctly though, it seems like the avatar of the leader of the crossbowmen had chainmail armor, and even though crossbowmen don't get armor (UGH), it would look cool if the leader had armor on him.
Usually I have a female mage holding my Rod of Power   :-D

Offline Warhammer-Weib

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #61 on: October 17, 2013, 06:44:49 AM »
Luther Flamestrike is absolutely stunning!  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2013, 03:20:11 PM »
Had my 1st game with my empire yesterday 800pts vs another fellow empire player also new to the army

We rolled the watch tower which I dreaded as most of my army is mounted and he won the roll to be controling the tower
 He also had a  horde of 40-50 free company in his army + a shadow wizard

But as he couldn't start the game with horde in the tower and only had 10x hand gunners in the tower to start
First turn Luther flame strike made his points back shooting a 3d6 fireball at tower killing all Hand gunners I'd sent my demigryphs to go after his mortar and then flank his horde of freecompany and the knights moved up so they could in the next turn block the horde if they tryed to get in the tower  in his turn he got a luck hit on my demigryrph's and killed one of them I was lucky and passed my panic check

For some reason he didn't go for the tower which was lucky as it would been hard to movethat many bodies with what I had

Turn 2 I moved up the whole army and charged  my demi's in to a captain which had strayed in to my charge arch to take
 shots at my Demi's (long bomb charge but I made it )   in magic I rolled high and  managed to get off a 2d6 fireball and flame cage off on the horde only killed 8-9 but key it would hold them for a turn so I could shoot him a little more before charged in
The Demi's were in his free company's charge arch but I was hoping to kill the captain and over run out of

Combat went will his captain fluffed his attacks and I got 4 wounds on him but turns out he was a general not a captain and had a 4+ward which he then he made two saves on him  leaving him on one wound and he passed his LD check which left my flank open to a charge from his free company

So his turn he declares a charge on my two demigryphs flank I asked him if he was sure as he still had the flame cage on them and that they would all take a s4 hit on ever one in the unit he said its OK and he still wanted to charge I rolled like daemon out of 36ish free company that charged only 10 made it to combat in the flank of my demi'knights

The bright wizard saved the demi's bacon as in magic his shadow wizard cast the withering and made the Demi's T down toT2 and reduced there weapon skill to 2 that horde would of had so many attack and a super high combat res as he had a bsb in that unit has well

After combat I stuck for one turn of combat then after a bad turn of rolling attacks and him sneaking a wound in I fled from combat (rolled a doulble six)but made away and rallied the following turn

The next turn the knight got off there horses and walked in to the tower

The fire wizard mopped up the rest of the free company and his wizard

If in this report you didn't read anything about the cannon its because the whole game it misfired or his shot fell short and didn't cause a single wound all game

Man of the match goes to Luther flame strike for wining the game for me lol
« Last Edit: October 29, 2013, 03:37:16 AM by CommanderMorganBernhardt »

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #63 on: October 29, 2013, 03:32:28 AM »
so been abit of a break from paint empire and work getting in the way of hobbie tim

been working on some space marines

but i got my chocobo knights complete and based

ive been painting my second cannon and next i want to paint my BSB and pegasus captain

maybe build 10-15 swordsmen

 i will keep you updated on the progress

Offline Smiesk0986

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #64 on: October 31, 2013, 05:07:50 PM »
Would it be okay with you if I stole your idea of using the Bretonnia MAA's shields for my knights?

Offline Durloth

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #65 on: November 01, 2013, 08:21:53 PM »
Great conversion on the bright wizard!

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) luther flamestrike 16/10/13
« Reply #66 on: November 09, 2013, 05:25:53 PM »
So had a bit of a break but im back

Got myself a steam tank im painting it up for a painting
 competition so ive decided paint the whole of the inside of the tank

Also making the crew to go in side

Comments are welcome

« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 05:30:53 PM by CommanderMorganBernhardt »

Offline Warhammer-Weib

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #67 on: November 09, 2013, 07:54:23 PM »
Your painting is getting better with every pic you post. Good luck for the painting competition!  :::cheers:::

Offline Oxycutor

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2013, 09:26:57 PM »
Nice army.  Like the Bright wizard.  Steam tank too, especially the crew, though seems a bit overkill if you're going to be putting a roof over them so they can't be seen.

Seeing this army grow is making me wish I had the time to spend painting, I'm lucky if I get a few hours a month, and even then I can't stick to a project

Offline Henerius

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #69 on: November 09, 2013, 10:32:59 PM »
that crewmember with that big fluffy rod is it standard for the tank?  if I am not mistaken that thing is used to clean out residu of blackpowder from a steampowered gun??? It's probably me.  :dry:

The fact that there was an update here actually made me sit straight upright in my chair    :biggriin:  Nice painting...great blog!
Quote from: Commander Bernhardt
don't listin to the evil Henerius
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if your fantasy world is not real enough, take two aspirins and go paint.  steveb

Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #70 on: November 10, 2013, 02:15:59 AM »
Thanks for the comments

The plan is I'm gonna use magnets to allow for the side and roof to be removed
To see the inside kinder like a cut away I've had a lot of fun painting this tank

May have to get another
to answer the comment about the  why one of the crew has the big sponge
I know it's steam powered cannon but I'm I think he would still use something to clear
The wadding between. Shots

Offline Shadowwolf

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #71 on: November 10, 2013, 11:09:19 AM »
May have to get another
to answer the comment about the  why one of the crew has the big sponge
I know it's steam powered cannon but I'm I think he would still use something to clear
The wadding between. Shots

Still, wouldn't he have to go out of the tank and insert it through the muzzle?  :engel:

A lovely idea and a lovely army! I'll be following this thread! But you're still missing the mortar, the flagellants and such :-)

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Ev'ryone's holding, stay in the fight!
White to the right side, left only red
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Offline CommanderMorganBernhardt

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #72 on: November 10, 2013, 02:05:52 PM »
May have to get another
to answer the comment about the  why one of the crew has the big sponge
I know it's steam powered cannon but I'm I think he would still use something to clear
The wadding between. Shots

Still, wouldn't he have to go out of the tank and insert it through the muzzle?  :engel:

A lovely idea and a lovely army! I'll be following this thread! But you're still missing the mortar, the flagellants and such :-)


Nah they have the newest designs from altdorf the new breach loading cannons:- )

Offline steveb

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Re: The Grudgebringer plog(DarkOmen themed army) steam tank pip 09/11/13
« Reply #73 on: November 10, 2013, 05:07:48 PM »
looks pretty good to me.  steveb