The next 3 free company fighters (from left to right)-
Mad Gundrik - Little is known of Mad Gundriks life before his arrival in The Empire. All
that is known now is that he is plagued by voices which tell him of the doom
of the Dwarfs and his part to play in their downfall. The Red Wolf is his
haven, he is welcomed (and pitied) by Snorri and frequents there to drown
out the voices with ale.
Dunhilda Bronnling - Dunhilda runs the brothel 'The Lusty Maiden' which is located
next door to the Red Wolf. Whilest Snorri has closed the tavern her
customers are having to drink in places they have to actually pay in
meaning they have much less money to pay for Dunhilda's women.
Dunhilda fights for Snorris free company in the hope the Red Wolf will
open again soon and in turn improve her business.
Hans Cluever - When Hans was a baby he was afflicted with a terrible pox which
disfigured his face. To spare him from the Witch Hunters his mother
sent him away with a travelling carnival where he was given a pig face
mask to hide his appearance. He is still only 12 years old and had no
contact with the Red Wolf or its locals until they marched out with
Von Guttenburg. Nobody knows his reasons for tagging along with the
militia or realises his age.
nb. this model was sculpted by Torin from this forum. It is an
exceptional miniature from a very talented sculptor and a joy to paint.
Thanks Torin.

The lightings pretty poor on this picture, too much flash. Nevermind! Only 2 more models
to paint to finish the free company.