So I reorganized my set up and I am so excited. For most of my hobby, I have kept all of my hobby supplies tucked away in a tackle box. I used to have a big one that they don't make anymore, but it got stolen, so I had to fall back on another I wasn't crazy about, but I have been unable to replace it since they just dont make tackle boxes like they used to.
One of the issues I realized I was having is that when I stored things, I would forget what I had, and end up buying duplicates. Or just hobby supplies I wouldn't use because they were tucked away and I wouldn't bother going to look for them.
So this rack I made has changed everything. Its gotten all of my GW paint out for me to see and keep track of, and freed up my other area for more space for brushes and all. I know this sounds really basic lol but I can't believe how much this has changed things. I've also been spending more time watching videos on painting and picked up some good ideas from some of them - like saving my best brushes for specific work and not to use them all the time. I don't know why I never thought of this before. I have kind of given up on expensive brushes since I beat the hell out of them, but now have learned to take better care of them, and use cheap brushes for basic work. I found a great set of cheap brushes on Amazon that I can use till they deteriorate and then replace them with another set since they are so cheap.
I am so excited about painting again I have vowed not to building anything new until I paint the kits I have built and primed and are sitting on a shelf waiting to be painted. I really feel like a born again painter.
I really can't say enough what youtube has done for the hobby. I have been carrying poor habits for years because I just didn't know any better, and now there are vids on tutorials, product reviews (which is a really big deal for me), and then a bunch of lore stuff to listen to when you are painting. Its pretty awesome. I don't know why this has taken so long for me to get here but I am pretty excited now.