Greetings from beyond the void!

Terribly sorry to all my good friends who haven't heard from me for a while, I've been negligant, and I appologize profusely. I have been overwhelmed with real life, and my work told me I was spending too much time on here and not enough time working so I had to go cold turkey for a while, but now I would take a few minutes to pop in and let you all know I'm still alive, and doing fine.
A couple of quick updates: First and foremost, my wife and I have recently opened a very successful bakery in our small town. I'm actually quitting my job at the end of April to join her there full time, which is most excellent. If you happen to be passing through Coldwater, Ontario stop in and see me, I'll be there Tuesday-Sunday starting May 1! Needless to say this keeps me very very busy, as did the start up. I haven't played a game of WH in over six months... worse than having a baby!
Before I had to quit playing, I did start dabbling in 40K... I've got a small WAAAAAAGH building ever since I learned how cheap their trucks were, and that you could plow them into other stuff... pretty much what my army does, which is six kinds of fun and 4 kinds of awesome. Also, the Death or Glory rule is totally my style.
I celebrated my 5 year cancer free aniversary last July, which was awesome.
I think that is all the important junk.
Anyways, I'm not back here full time by any means, so I haven't had time to scroll through the site and see any changes, or go back and check the news and goings on, so please somebody post some updates of all the good and bad important stuff I've missed in this thread, I will check it as frequently as I can. I'm hoping that once I get to work at my store full time I will have a bit more time to spend on here and can return to being a contributing member of this place.
I'm on this thing called Facebook now, I don't know if anybody has heard of it, but I don't use it much either as most of my free time goes to sleeping since we got the store, but maybe we can be friends on there too.

Also, sometimes I check my email (acidwashedhero at hotmail dot com) so if anybody wants to hit me up on there, I would be thrilled.
I'm hoping this is the slow but steady start of my return, but bear with me if I am sporradic in posting... I sure have missed this place.
So enough rambling, just glad to be back, and I hope I can do the tour of this place sometime soon and get reaquainted.