
Author Topic: My latest Dark Elves  (Read 2377 times)

Offline Lord Quiran de Lancastre

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My latest Dark Elves
« on: February 24, 2010, 08:16:05 AM »
Here are some of the Dark Elves I've been working on for my wife.
I have no idea what is up with my lighting today, had weird glare on the left.
The dark riders are kit bashed from DE warriors and WE Glade Riders.
The crossbowmen are single layer colors with a soft body black wash
from http://www.awesomepaintjob.com/ and then skin done on top of this.
Most of this is speed painting really, the dark riders are still very WiP.
Their legs need to be detailed and dark gold added to armor.

This Assassin I bashed together this evening after deciding to take one in the 2250 list.
I used arms from the Empire Militia sprue, main hand sword is from DE warriors champion
Off hand dagger is an OOP dagger from the 5th/early 6th Edition Chaos Warriors sprue.
The arm blades are from the DE warriors standard cross pole. Chest from Glade Riders
Head from DE Cold One Knights, legs from High Elves Bowmen. Daggers also from Cold One Knights.

C&C always welcome!!

Offline Nicholas Bies

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Re: My latest Dark Elves
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 08:38:18 AM »
I like them. I liked your empire models that you sent me a while back as well.

Maybe a little to clean and clear cut for my personal liking and not sure I like the turqoise and purple but in terms of technical skill it's clean and smooth and looks good.
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Offline GamesPoet

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Re: My latest Dark Elves
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 01:11:02 PM »
The blue seems to make them stand out a bit, which isn't a bad thing and looks ok. :icon_cool:
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Offline Lord Quiran de Lancastre

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Re: My latest Dark Elves
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2010, 05:10:03 PM »
The colors were her choice, and as long as she's willing to play, I'll paint them whatever color she wants!!

Offline Valetus

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Re: My latest Dark Elves
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 09:26:02 AM »
Like the conversion work, simple but effective