Yeah, sorry about that, I was not in a good place...
Shame as forums are better for conversations and encourage it, rather than social media which just encourages 'like' hunting.
Oh well, maybe I shall stick with my regular places rather than here, still, this place has some good eye candy and a deep dive every few days may reveal a topic of greatness, it may be not what it was but as a resource it is still most excellent.
You are all welcome on my forum, there are less WFB people there, but maybe we can start a renaissance?
Whilst the images can't be too big in terms of size, you can upload directly to my forum, if that helps.
I don't want to steal members, but I do want to be able to chat Empire greatness with other Empire players, and if this is not the place due to inactivity and spam then maybe somewhere else is?
Can someone else by granted mod rights and tidy up here?
It would be great to have an active place for Imperial Greatness.