Hello dear warhammer-empire.com and all Generals!
It was about 3 years from my last visit - for this time I was in "chaos wastelands of life" - but I hope this ended and now I'm backing to my Empire Army. I even had first battle in 8ed (and it was a massacre

On this forum for a long time I was searching for inspirations and ideas, also had opportunity to see beautiful armies, paintings, collections and I always inspire to be "one of those generals" - so thank You for that.
Maybe You are familiar to the situation when You want to paint all minis by yourself, so Your soldiers don't have arms, heads... everything is a mess. I had that, and this is an army You don't want to play a lot. And when I don't play, I don't paint... and the circle was closed. So now I decided to make a new strategy to defeat this old enemy. Right now I'm assembling all units I can - but without parts that will interrupt or disturb painting process hard (like halberd near face etc.) When I do that, I will put undercoat.
I hope this allow me to play more often, and I will have ready minis to paint. That's the plan...

For the time I was away, I was able to expand my army a little bit, but I hope soon enough You can see them assembled and painted (or in wip process

I assembled some units right now, but they are not ready for photo yet.
For first fire I give You a conversion of a Ellyrian Reavers into Pistoliers. I wanted to try something new, and this are the results.
I wonder if they will look too elvish - I removed gems, arrows, spears etc but still it may look like an elf unit (especially from far perspective) - maybe You have some ideas?

TL;DR - welcome back and I hope this time for good

some of the old photos are gone, so I will try to upload them once again next week.