
Author Topic: Hagen's Heroes - *UPDATE 06-24* "The Generalissimo's new face"  (Read 28400 times)

Offline Hagen_von_Loewenstein

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"...they came transformed in iron, they came glittering."

Ever since the first Old Worlders set foot on Lustrian shore and returned with tales of its untold riches, adventurers from all over the world felt tempted to try their luck and seek their own fortune deep in the dense jungles of the "New World". This will become the story off some of these daredevils...

My Estalians have been a long-time project which somehow always got delayed because of other ideas (which then got delayed because of other ideas, which in turn got delayed because of other projects etc. pp.), but after a 2 1/2-year hiatus from the wargaming-hobby in general and getting a few priorities straight, I'll give them another try. The main ideas are to a.) have them "7th edition-free" and b.) not having them look TOO tidy and pompous (like the 4th ed. empire swordsmen, for example), but rather somewhere between "Aguirre" on the one side and the overboarding looks of some of the Lustria-/Estalia-related artworls in various books. I have bought some of Pirazzo's men already to get some "masters" to GS-copy morion-helmets from (there's an abundance of bearded heads in my bitzbox, they just need some new headgear to go with the theme), although I'm not gonna do them "morion-exclusive", but will incorporate other periodic helmets such as cabacetes or especially burgonets (see the first of the knights). I will most likely give modern art minis a try as well, their morion-heads look really good and fitting.

Plans right now see me building a warband first, which will then get slowly expanded to 1000, later 1500 and maybe even 2000 points (but that's way off in the very distant future). Troops included will be knights (lancers), pistoliers, spear-/pikemen (I might even do these completely with Pirazzo's guys) and of course some handgunners, cannons, halberdiers and swordsmen. Free company might be done in a way to resemble ships crews rather than professional soldiers, I'm also considering actual war hounds as well (Eureka minis got a nice set). I will very likely have a few questions to ask about army composition some time in the near future, too.

But enough of the mushy stuff, here's some first *WIP* pictures of my first two knights (overhauled swordsmen following soon).

Notice the added "puffiness" on the shoulders and the burgonet with visor. Pose is still a little awkward, though.

And here's the other one, who will most likely function as a hero, general or first knight depending on the points used. I might save the horse for a completely different character altogether as well.

Again, I added some puffiness and I tried to give him a "ruff"-collar, but that didn't turn out too well yet.

Swordsmen will follow some time soon.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:37:07 PM by Hagen_von_Loewenstein »

Offline Silvero

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Very interesting conversion, great greenstuff work. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
I wish to see them painted.

Offline patsy02

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This looks quite promising, looking forward to seeing more.
I agree with the inhumane treatment of animals.

Offline King

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Yay at last the Conquistador craze is kicking off with some beautiful conversions here on this forum  :::cheers:::
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Offline Kriegspiel

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We can all be our own worst critics Hagen - I think the figures look good .

Look forward to seeing more .

As for your General - well as you mentioned " Aguirre " - surely he should look like everyone's favourite crazed German actor
Klaus Kinski ?  :icon_twisted:

Offline wissenlander

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There's something about a general model that seems a bit light if it doesn't have a cloak.  It's kind of weird in that regard, because the knights themselves don't need it.  I guess it's just to make him stand out a bit more he needs that garish statement?

I think they look great, and you're off to a fine start.
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...

Offline Valetus

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Like the second last mouted figure a lot there, especially the way you have made the barding a bit more interesting. Cant wait to see these guys painted. Just make sure that you get the scaling of sculted parts correct.

Offline Hagen_von_Loewenstein

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There's something about a general model that seems a bit light if it doesn't have a cloak.  It's kind of weird in that regard, because the knights themselves don't need it.  I guess it's just to make him stand out a bit more he needs that garish statement?

I'm not so sure about a cloak. I feel I'm already stretching the "expedition"-part of the title by having so much metal-armour (something else besides a cloak you wouldn't really want to wear in tropical climate). Maybe when I finally decided on who's gonna be the general, this character will get a cloak, but for now, he'll be fine without one, I think ;)
Hmmm, a few ponchos here and there, maybe? They work for Pizzaro's boys... :unsure:

As for your General - well as you mentioned " Aguirre " - surely he should look like everyone's favourite crazed German actor
Klaus Kinski ?  :icon_twisted:
A Kinski-lookalike will definitely be part of this army, and I already started scavenging fitting bitz (the "wide-eyed-crazed-stare" and "mouth-frothing-teethgrind" are quite popular with a lot of the 6th Ed. plastic empire heads ;) ) and doing some GS-work, although some of his outfit will prove difficult to duplicate/emulate I fear. I won't make him my general though, since that would dictate the theme of the army too much. I'm yet undecided if he'll become a hero or just a regular commander of one of the infantery units.

EDIT @ Valetus: Not quite sure what you mean with "scaling"...?  :unsure:

Offline wissenlander

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I know what you mean, it's just a personal preference of mine.  He still looks good!
Me and Wissenlander had babies!

not together.

finding photographic evidense that Wiss smiles is going to be hard...

Offline Henerius

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 :biggriin: A fellow Estalian!

Your conversions are great.  I don't understand one thing though.  The first horse, has the champions head, the one with plume. You went to so much trouble to remove the plume (as I did on my cav)  but you've missed the mould line on his armour plate on his forehead and the one on his foreleg. :unsure:  WIP I guess?

the horsehead of the second model?  where is that from?  I don't recognise that one. And those Lion heads  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: brilliant.

Quote from: Commander Bernhardt
don't listin to the evil Henerius
Quote from: steveb
if your fantasy world is not real enough, take two aspirins and go paint.  steveb

Offline Ad A Dglgmut

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I love the foot straps (sorry the proper name is coming to a blank to me at the moment) you added to the knights.  Seeing how simple yours looked to be created, I will probably attempt the same to added them to my knights.  Good looking conversions so far. :-)
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Offline Soren

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SWEEEEEEEEEET, you need to add those to the "show us your knights" thread. I need to steal some of those ideas.  :eusa_clap:
Warm Regards,     Sören

Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Great greenstuffing !

Now paint !
Have one  on Midaski's tab.  :::cheers:::
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Offline Beastlord Karankawa

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Excellent work - very much like the attention to detail (stirrups, etc)!

Offline Slick

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Excellent work, looking forward to seeing more!
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Offline WallyTWest

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As a Blazing Sun kinda guy, mind explaining how you got that sun on the horse? Also how did you transfer the shield icon to the horse?

Fantastic work.  :happy:

Rule #1 about greenstuff, dont judge it until you paint it.
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Offline Soulcaresser

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I like both models. The pose on the general model is excellent! :eusa_clap:
The repositioning of the horselegs is great.
Indeed as others said the greenstuff work is as um. Like the helmet and you're idea :smile2:

Offline Hagen_von_Loewenstein

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Thanks for all the comments so far.  :biggriin:

@ Henerius: It's actually not even "his" horse (it's from another "project" for myrmidian knights, hence the sun-symbol, although it fits Estalians as well), but I actually didn't miss the mold line on the head - it's just that I got this head off ebay and it was already prime-coated, so when I trimmed down the mold line, the actual plastic became visible again - that's why it looks even more prominent on the picture.

@ WallyTWest:
It's one of my favorite techniques as far as modeling goes, I call it "Green Stuff copies". Basically, you pick a motif or piece you'd like to transfer or copy, apply a thin layer of some detergent (I use watered down washing liquid), then you press a piece of Green Stuff Onto it and let it dry. When it's dried out, you got a mold that you can use in the same way (using some detergent an putting lumps of Green Stuff into the mold). In this case, I not only copied the lion face/sun symbol, but I also used some extra GS to make the copy "blend" better with the actual model I applied it to.
Of course it's won't work very well with fully modeled pieces or pieces with lot of "undercutting".

Well, back to the project. Today my first 4 "Lost Legionaries" arrived... seems like they won't mix & match with 6th. ed-plastics very well, even the helmets might prove to be too small to be used for GS-copying... :dry: So it's either Micro (not "modern") Art-heads or more self-modelled helmets for my army. Thinking about keeping the "bigger", selfbuilt heads for mounted troops and just buy lots of Micro Arts-heads for the rank & file troops later on.

If someone is interested in 4 Lost Legionaries with Crossbows, just keep an eye on the trade forum, they might pop up there soon enough if I don't find another purpose for them.

On the positive side, I think I found the perfect dog-miniatures to represent my Free Companies:

They're also dirt cheap and this manufacturers also offers a "cargo mule"-model that will come in handy sooner or later. I was considering some "hounds of Orion" to keep it "GW-legal", but since they'd only fit on cav-bases and with 8 pounds for a pair, GW can lick my salty epididymis.

It may also occur that this army won't be ABSOLUTELY 7th edition-free anymore, since I'm pondering about getting a box of the new pistoliers from the UK (the weak pound/strong Euro make them dirt cheap right now, and many of the pieces look actually quite nice - and I'd get me some new horsies :blush: ).

In other news: Don Lope de Aguirre is coming along quite nicely, but it seems like my brother still has the recharge-cable for my digi-cam, so no new pictures for now. Same for the swordsmen, but I'll just add some older pics from a few days ago, although the helmets are not at all representative anymore (quite some cutting, filing and trimming has been done with all the trims and edges, making them look more to scale and realistically):

« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 11:37:12 AM by Hagen_von_Loewenstein »

Offline Justin Hill

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looking great: very impressive sculpts

Offline GamesPoet

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I'm feeling like the crests of the helmets on those infantry guys look a little it high.

But the knight look very impressive! :icon_cool:
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Offline Hagen_von_Loewenstein

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I'm feeling like the crests of the helmets on those infantry guys look a little it high.

Same for the swordsmen, but I'll just add some older pics from a few days ago, although the helmets are not at all representative anymore (quite some cutting, filing and trimming has been done with all the trims and edges, making them look more to scale and realistically)

Offline GamesPoet

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"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline King

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Hagen_von_Loewenstein these are all very nice indeed & I agree with you on the hounds counting as free company.  By the way if you ever want to get rid of those 4 lost legionnaires pm me me please as I would be interested  :::cheers:::
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Offline Von Kurst

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Very nice green stuff work!  I'm stealing the dogs as Free Co idea.  (Something to do with my old hunting hounds and warhounds from my Witch Hunters!)

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Offline Gustavus Magnus

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Brilliant work.  The stirrups for the mounted figures are fantastic.  I am looking forward to seeing this army finished. 

Any plans to put a boat up in a tree for a terrain model?   :smile2:
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