after a lot of time doing one thing or another, and not advancing on the way of having a playable army painted, I have decided to stop, think and decide what to work on and in what order. I will try to make things to build up a 1500pt force, and keep addings thing to it...
Now...I have a plan!
First thing: Army fluffRheim, the Broken CityFar beyond the Black Fire Pass stands Rheim, or what remains from it. Founded near the Year 2100 by Maximilian II, a descendant of the Last Solland Elector Count, in his mad attemp to found his own empire. It was soon devastated by Orcs, and never founded again. But now, there are another inhabitants on the Rheim Ruins...Several years ago, a general and his men failed in something too dark to be told...Him, Albert Von Schilling, and couple of his regiments decided to find death, but killing so many empire enemies as they can, with the hope that Sigmar can forgive his faults. They cross the Black Fire Pass, and desappear from the empire lands...
Now, the rumours that are spread all over the empire armies tell that they still resist at the Broken City of Rheim. Sometimes, someone is beyond the forgiveness that his friends, relatives or priests can give. Then, if his will is strong, he says goodbye to the Empire, and goes down the Black Fire Pass, hoping to find his Destiny at Rheim...
Life is short and thought at Rheim. It is far beyond the first defensive line of the Empire, and there is no one to call for help when the enemies approach. If the ones that fall there obtain the forgiveness or the rest that they look for, is still to be known...Second thing: Army appaerance and color schema:
I want the army to be on a city scenario, with ruins on the bases, movement bases and unit fillers. I was using a white and purple schema, but it was to brilliant to the grim look that I want for the army (And someone on this forum said that they were pink ), so I change it to black/purple (thanks for the tips on black, guys). Here is the test model, how it was before and how it is now:
Before (he is the one on the right)

And now

Third thing: The plan and the ideas for units
This are the things I want to do, in orden (more or less, maybe I chage some of them)
25 Lancers: From the 6º edition ones, making them pikemen with longer lances, and giving them a look as they are ready to comfront a charge. I really want the idea of a 'Pike Wall' so I´m going to do the first line to be kneeling, and the second one with the pikes over them. Just trying to find a way of make a good group command being kneeling...
5 Knights of the order of the Fallen Ones.
They are an order that his menbers have done things so few honorables, that they are beyond Sigmar compassion. They devote Morr, if not looking for forgive, at least for the rest that the Death God can give. But as Death is a gift that is given but cannot be reclaim, they always fight when there is an oportunity, waiting for the promised rest from they sins. As they are death to this world, they never so his face in public. I want to make them from 5ed brettonian knights, and a Grand Master from the Green Knight, giving them a bit of Morr Feeling
25 Swordman: From 6ed Swordman, with a charging look. Will use the front rank from the last conversion contest
20 Greatswrods : I dont like the metal ones, so I´m going to use militia and state troops bodies, with the two hands swords that comes with militia and state troops sprue. I´m also going to try to greenstuff the Heavy Armor...
The order of the Eternal Flame. When Sigmar dessapear thorught the Black Fire Pass, He promise to come back. Some years ago, the Saint Johanna received a revelation, and with out talking to no one, she comes to Rheim and light a enourmous flame on the middle of the Ruins. Without this flame to sow him the way, is believed that Sigmar will not be able to return when the empire need him, so the Sisters of the Eternal Flame defend and keep the flame on Rheim no matter what dark criatures are atract by the brilliant light.I will use Sigmar Sisters form Mordhiem to represent them...with a Unit filler representing the flame...just need to get a few Sigmar sisters...
General on griffon and Captasus: Will make them just jumping or standing on ruined towers, or something similar. I going to make the griifon from DeathClaw, but making him more heavy armored with Green Stuff.
War Altar: Something similar to the one I made to the exchange mini, but with the Superior Sister Frieda of the Eternal Flame instead of the Archlector. Will use thing figure:
http://www.reapermini.com/FigureFinder#detail/03222Changing the axe for a hammer, of course...
Well, lot of work in the future, but I really animated. I will be posting the advances here.
Please, comments and criticism on the test model, ideas for units, examples, advices, etc, will be very apreciated!!

And sorry for the long post