Very good armour! How You did it? Something like "Bestial Brown" -> "Boltgun Metal" ?
thx for comments.
-paint armour black
-drybrush it with chainmail
-wash it with watered down green ink( not wash)
-drybrush it with dwarven bronze
-wash it carefully with either green, black or brown wash (or with all if you like) on the messy spots
-drybrush/paint the edges and details with gold and silver
-repeat the last 2 steps until you are satisfied.
It looks like brown metallic, perhaps brass and then a wash of hawk turquoise to make the worn effect ( i forget the English word for it)
It's called verdigris.
The second unit of spearmen, mercenaries from Middenheim, who have been painted in the same way as the first unit, I only replaced the green ink with the purple one. .:

I'll combine both units in a bigger one 24men strong. One place reserved for a hero or a unit filler.
More next time.