Looking at the time-stamp of my last contribution, I owe you an apology.
It has been too long, that posted some newly painted models.
My excuse lays in the fact that most of the time was spend on building, painting and playing 40k Imperial Guard.
And a-top that, one member in our gaming club got the idea to start an WHFB Escalation League.
So my long awaited Orcs & Goblins finally got some paint and fighting activity.
But I sat down in my Hobby-Workplace, looking at my cabinet filled with base-coated Empirial Warriors.
They stood there, just waiting, patiently.
So here is my new contribution:
The Demi-Griffin Knights. What great models they are.

The War Altar with Arch-Lector

A lot of the models need there base done, so I started with Baltashar.

And finally some scenery: Death Knell Watch.

Next are some kit-bashed knights.

Oh and this is the spot where things take place.