Well, I think it's time I finally got this started. I have a reasonable collection that is still growing and includes models from 4th Ed onwards, though most of it is 6th/7th era. Unfortunately due to time constraints much of it is still unassembled and much to my own chagrin, none of it is painted either.
I'll get a couple of taster pics up later today (my current General and BSB) and will take a few more over the weekend of the stuff I do have put together and waiting. Army will be based out of Grenzstadt, and tasked with guarding Black Fire Pass (as I also have a fair few Orcs and Goblins). I'm still working out what to do about Bergjaegers, but there will be some at some point.
I will give a rough list of what I have to get through though:
40 7th ed Halberdiers with lots of pistolier heads and all barefoot bodies replaces with Greatsword legs and bodies. Everyone will have a feather.
40 6th ed Halberdiers
50 4th Ed plastic mono-pose Halberdiers, most to be head swapped
30ish 6th Ed Swordsmen
40-50 6th Ed mono-pose Spearmen
40ish 6th Ed mono-pose Handgunners
20 6th Ed Crossbowmen
20 7th Ed Handgunners
40 plastic Greatswords
30 plastic Flagellants
12 plastic knights that will be assembled pretty basic for normal knights (red/gold colour scheme - still deciding on name of order)
12 plastic knights that will have demigriff rider heads mixed in for Inner Circle and lance pennants (red/gold colour scheme - still deciding on name of order)
10 plastic knights assembled straight out of the box but with Demigriff lances with pennants for Reiksguard knights
4 Great Cannon
3 Martar
2 Helblaster
1 Helstorm
A bunch of characters including an old marauder pegasus, a pegasus converted from general's horse, the two guys that will be put up shortly and a heap of other random characters.
I am aiming to be able to do up to 2500 points with all plastic but heavily kitbashed models, but only for ease of transport.
Okay - Only 2 current guys I have pics of below:
My General - Wolfgang Hoffmeier

My Battlestandard Bearer - Heinrich Krueger

More to come over the weekend, hopefully and will be getting into the painting next weekend