The Campaign Archive > Nemesis Crown Board

Foreign Ministry

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Erwin Moltz:
I never claimed that the forest of lorn was empire territory, i said that we own the great forest and that they cant call us trespassers for fighting in the great forest. If we entered the lorn forest THAT would be trespassing.

Dendo Star:
I am more toward a policy that placates the Wood Elves.  They may yet come to our side. 

We must also remember, it is generally the grim and nigh-insane Forest Spirits that claim the most innocent lives of forest "tresspassers".

Erwin Moltz:
"We must also remember, it is generally the grim and nigh-insane Forest Spirits that claim the most innocent lives of forest "trespassers"."

The fact that the wood elves generally follow the example of the tree mutants does not make me want to kill them any less.

Dendo Star:
I see the Bretonnians are presently at #1.  Alright Bretts!


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