Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds > The Imperial Office
Shadows over Bogenhafen: game thread [players only please!]
Fandir Nightshade:
I heard of a Halfing who ate so much stew that he died of basically I guess you CAN have enough of stew.
I am sure they will have some wine though most likely it won´t be too fine...or I won´t be able to afford it to invite you dear Mortus.
Mortus laughs, a merry tinkling sound.
Fine can mean many different things my friend. My tastes are not that expensive, anything that is not pure vinger will do
(OOC) I have not posted the background for Mortus yet but it is enough to say she is not very finely dressed. Halflings always think that they know best when it comes to food. No doubt the poor fellow was stuffing himself and not giving enough time for it to pass through the system properly
Friedrich: A surfeit of stew is surely a most ignoble death. I shall have to restrict my appetites to cheese and wine lest people think me a glutton. (Slaps his non existent belly.) I'm sure we will procure a suitable repast.
rufus sparkfire:
The beer tent is easy to find. It's very large and striped in purple and white... and packed with revelers. A variety of different food stalls stand alongside it, the different cooking smells combining in a way that's either enticing or disgusting.
One food stall offers 'Max's Glorious Rabbit pies' and is run by a sweating halfling in an enormous chef's hat. Another, run by a sour-faced woman, sells 'Karina's traditional Reikland sausage rolls.' A third, owned by a man with a hideous beard, has no sign and carries a huge pot of stew. Other stalls are selling various types of meat, soup, stew, cheese, or bread. There's even a confused-looking Cathayan selling sweet and sour... something.
The beer tent is so full that you will have to push your way in to get served.
Beer costs 9d a pint. Food costs between 1/- and 1/6, depending on how big a meal you want.
--- Quote from: Background information ---Imperial currency
1 gold crown = 20 silver shillings = 240 brass pennies
1 shilling = 12 pennies
Notation: 1GC = 20/- = 240d
12GC 17/9 = 12 crowns, 17 shillings and 9 pence
6/- = 6 shillings only
6/4 = 6 shillings and 4 pence
5d = 5 pence only
--- End quote ---
Fandir Nightshade:
Klaus starts to push himself into the mass of bodies to get the beer for the others pushing and shoving towards other people smiling and exchanging pleasantries about how fantastic this whole event is....
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