The Empire at War ... The Gamers Guild > Skirmish & Warband

Rumours and what's new to be expected of WarCry

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I like the big fomoroid. Looks like a lord of the rings mordor troll to me. The sphyx is okay, and I've seen previews with other head options that look better imo.

But really I'm really happy that I can play some warcy with some of my existing stormcasts and stuff. I'd really like them to add fyreslayers or Khadron though.


--- Quote from: Gankom on February 13, 2020, 06:16:38 PM ---I like the big fomoroid. Looks like a lord of the rings mordor troll to me. The sphyx is okay, and I've seen previews with other head options that look better imo.

But really I'm really happy that I can play some warcy with some of my existing stormcasts and stuff. I'd really like them to add fyreslayers or Khadron though.

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Not sure about Fireslayers, but I saw a pack for the Kharadron Overlords at my local flgs

I suspect what you saw the warband for Shadespire/underworlds. A group of 5 guys? Fantastic kits, I love the look of them AND there is a fyreslayers one. But sadly no rules for them in War Cry. Not yet anyways.


--- Quote from: Gankom on February 15, 2020, 04:37:13 PM ---I suspect what you saw the warband for Shadespire/underworlds. A group of 5 guys? Fantastic kits, I love the look of them AND there is a fyreslayers one. But sadly no rules for them in War Cry. Not yet anyways.

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Nope WarCry card pack

You know I went looking and your totally right, there is a card pack! It doesn't show up on the website for me, but a google search gives me a direct link that works. Weirdly neither the local club, nor the local GW store actually has a pack or even knew they existed!


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