Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds > Empire Crafts and Skills

Random 10mm Terrain Pieces

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Mike Stockin:
WFB 3rd edition has a random terrain set up system (D100), as such I find myself making odd bits of terrain so that I can make full use of the list.
(I have modified the list from the book ever so slightly)
Part One: here is 94-96.   Earthworks/Emplacement.


I used to have an N-gauge model railway, 1:148 or 12mm. Loved how much scenery you could fit in the small scale. Had a whole town built, stone-paved roads, flowers under the windows. Modeling at that scale is fun & different from 28mm or larger military model scales.


Mike Stockin:
Thanks, yeah I am slowly, very slowly working toward a walled city..  I suspect it could be 5 years away...   :P

Mike Stockin:
WFB 3rd edition has a random terrain set up system (D100), as such I find myself making odd bits of terrain so that I can make full use of the list.

Part Two: here is 80-81.   Inn and Stables
(Modular so I can use the Inn part on its own.)

10/12mm WFB.


Need to read the 3rd ed terrain creation rules, d100 sounds cool.



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