Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds > The Brush and Palette

New projects Old World


My hobbying comes in cycles. After Fantasy was blown up my GW hobbying lay dormant for a while (I got really in Armada for a stretch, RIP). Then I began getting into T9A. It was good fun and I got to play a few games and a tournament. But then my second child was born and hobbying became much more scarce. Now I’m back prepping and resurrecting an army for the Old World.

I always loved warrior priests and the war altar. A long time ago I had a super janky one I made out of sprue pieces and balsa wood. That fell apart so it was time for an upgrade. The altar statue body is from that old janky one upgraded with Prosector wings from AoS. I also swapped the hand of the lector because I hated the creepy spidery hands of the original. I also happen to love hoods and wanted to throw one the Lector so I made one of green stuff.  Lastly I magnetized the statue and the lector for transport and if I ever want to use the lector on foot. 

 So maybe this is a war altar of Morr or something, still trying to figure that out. But I’m happy with how it’s come so far.  I hope you like it!

PS, I though about adding the flags, but the model I think starts to be too busy (and too fragile).

Looking sweet, I like it!

Looking fabulous! :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :eusa_clap:

Lovely! What model did you use for the staue on the war altar?

Thank you all for the kind words!

The miniature is an old Reaper mini. You can find it here:

The wings it comes with are metal and very heavy. It wasn’t going to do well balancing on top of the plastic war altar. I like the new wings better anyways.


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