2013 Update: Deleted the 1.st thread and replaced with showcase of my Empire projects. (currently not painting Empire stuff)
2015 Update. I've sold the army, and am focussing on my brettonia. Turns out having 6-8 GW armies is a bit much. I've kept some of the sentimental pieces, the white wizard, the war altar and a few other oldhammer miniatures.
Links to other stuff I've shown on the forum:
Scratchbuilt Waralter
Scratchbuilt Fortified merchant manor--------------------------------------
Secret Santa/Pleasant miniature 2011 I think, I belive he lives in Washington State now. Would have fit perfectly into my own force too though.

Steam tank. Painted in 2010. I was fed up with seeing boring all-metallic-paint steam tanks, so I tried to splash a lot of colour on it. Altdor colours. What else?


::heretic::War altar - cardboard and plastic details. Statues, fire braziers and griffons.

And a picture with the humble pair of poor souls pushing it, a mammoth task indeed.

Trying my hand at painting whiteThe front:
The robe was washed with the new blue GW wash and then the layers were built up, 6 or 7 in total, and a white glaze-sorta-thing on the deepest layers to smooth them out.

The back:
The area on the cloak was MUCH bigger than the robe and I sorta lost touch with the blending, and I'm not quite happy with the result.
The robe was painted enchanted blue and then worked up the layers. I ended up having to tone down the deepest layers because the cloak was "too enchanted blue" and not white enough on the overall impression of the cloak.

Old stuff:An empire captain. Rarely makes it to the battlefield, but I really love the more classic models and ranges. Gotta love Warhammer Quest too!

Freecompany, my idea is that they are press-ganged river pirates forced to fight in the army. Also they double as a Mordheim Warband.

Ogres painted in 2003 or so.
