
Author Topic: Warrior Priests through the years  (Read 12403 times)

Offline Shadow_Zero

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Warrior Priests through the years
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:08:35 PM »
I decided I wanted this in a seperate topic after all.
Original post: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php/topic,50833.msg989489.html#msg989489
I still also wanted to break down the Warrior Priest through the years, so here we go!

9th Age
Preacher = 65p
Prelate = 90p

A model with this rule can cast the following three Bound Spells (Power Level 3), each once per magic phase. These Bound Spells are of type Caster's Unit and Augment, and duration Lasts One Turn.

-Volund’s Blessing:
Target unit may reroll failed to wound rolls in Close Combat.

-Ullor’s Blessing
Target unit gains Ward Save (5+) against Close Combat Attacks.

-Sunna’s Blessing
"Target unit gains Flaming Attacks. All enemy units in base contact with one
or more targets of this spell , when the spell is cast suffer D6 Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks."

Warrior Priest = 65p
Arch Lector = 100p

Battle Prayer:
Battle Prayers are innate bound spells (power level 3). If a Battle Prayer is successfully cast on a Regimental Unit, any of its Detachments within 3" are also targeted by the spell.

-Hammer of Sigmar:
The Warrior Priest and his unit re-roll all failed to Wound rolls in close combat until the start of the next friendly Magic phase.

-Shield of Faith:
The Warrior Priest and his unit have a 5+ ward save against all Wounds inflicted in close combat until the start of the next friendly Magic phase.

The Warrior Priest and his unit gain the Flaming Attacks special rule until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. In addition, when cast, all enemy models in base contact with the Warrior Priest suffer a Strength 4 hit. Undead, Nehekharan Undead and models with the Daemonic special rule in base contact suffer a Strength 5 hit instead, with no armour saves allowed.

Divine Power:
Warrior Priests can channel power and dispel dice in the same manner as Wizards

Righteous Fury:
A Warrior Priest, and any unit he is currently in, has the Hatred special rule. However, other characters in the unit do not gain the Hatred special rule.

Warrior Priest = 90p
Arch Lector = 125p

Prayers of Sigmar:
Prayers are cast exactly like bound spells with a power level of 4 (Arch Lector = 2 prayers per turn, Warrior Priest = 1).

-Hammer of Sigmar:
The model can re-roll failed rolls to hit and wound. Remains in play.

-Healing Hand:
The model gets a 4+ ward save. Remains in play.

Can only be cast on the Priest himself. All enemy units in base contact with the Priest suffer D6 Strength 4 hits with no armour saves allowed. Undead, Daemon or Forest Spirit units suffer D6 Strength 5 hits with no armour saves allowed.

-Unbending Righteousness:
Can only be cast on the Priest himself. The Priest and any unit he joins is Unbreakable. If the Priest leaves the unit or is slain, the prayer will immediately cease to affect the unit. Remains in Play.

Blessings of Sigmar:
A Warrior Priest of Sigmar adds 1 dice to the Empire player's dispel dice pool during the enemy's magic phase, and an Arch Lector 2.

Righteous Fury:
The Priest and any unit he joins Hate all models in the enemy army, so long as he remains with the unit. This does not affect characters, who are more difficult to influence than the average soldier.

Warrior Priest = 95p
Arch Lector = did not exist yet

Prayers of Sigmar:
Prayers are cast exactly like Bound spells, with a Power Level of 3. A Warrior Priest is allowed to use ONE prayer per Empire Magic phase.

-Hammer of Sigmar:
The model can re-roll failed rolls to wound. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest attempts to cast another prayer. This Prayer has no effect on hits from magic weapons.

-Healing Hand:
The model is immediately healed of all the wounds it has suffered during the battle up to that moment.

Centre the large 5" template on the Warrior Priest. All Undead and Daemons hit by the template (work out which models are hit exactly the same way as you would do for a Mortar's hit) suffer a Strength 4 hit, with no armour save allowed. Soulfire can only be cast on the Warrior Priest, not on other models.

-Armour of Righteousness:
The models gets a 5+ Ward save. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest attempts to cast another Prayer. This Prayer has no effect if the model already has a Ward save.

Blessings of Sigmar:
As long as a Warrior Priest is on the battlefield, he adds one dice to the Empire player's Dispel dice pool during the enemy's Magic phase.

Righteous Fury:
Warrior Priests and the unit they are with hate all models in any of the following armies: all Chaos, all Undead, all Skaven.

My thoughts:
I thought it was kinda fluffy that Righteous Fury was only for the Chaos, Undead and Skaven armies in 6th edition. Not complaining it accounts to all armies nowadays, but I like the fluff  :P

I also found it fluffy that there were prayers that remained in play, until another prayer was cast (nice to keep that ward save or re-roll for one or a few more rounds!)

And I kinda miss the healing wounds in 8th edition, since a Priest that heals, that's fluffy!

Soulfire got nerfed so much in 8th edition. I kinda like the idea of using a template as in 6th edition, though can't complain on hitting whole units as in 7th edition and 9th age! (but scratch my head most enemies get to have an armour save in 8th edition, I mean, it's divine powerrr!).

And perhaps a bit overpowered, but man, was it nice to have Hammer of Sigmar re-roll for both to hit and to wound!

And why is Shield of Faith only for close combat? You'd say a divine shield would also work for artillery and magic...
I made a comparison overview on Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r8e2peTQBIok3tMCG3s5Eu6oLG_e8Sn1jRtXQFxoyTM/edit?usp=sharing

Did Soulfire truly get a boost in 9th Age, as in targeting the whole unit instead only the base contact models?

Offline Shadow_Zero

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 01:51:14 PM »
Ok, did some brainstorming on the Prayers just for the fun of it, and this is what I've come up with (combining all the years and adding some personal fluff):

Hammer of Sigmar (remains in play):
Target unit can re-roll failed rolls to hit and to wound. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest casts another 'Remains in Play' Prayer. This Prayer has no effect on hits from magic weapons.

Healing Hand:
The model, or another targeted model in the unit, is immediately healed of D3 wounds

Soulfire (remains in play):
The Warrior Priest and his unit gain the Flaming Attacks special rule. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest casts another 'Remains in Play' Prayer.  In addition, when cast, centre the large template on the Warrior Priest. All enemy models hit by the template suffer D6 Strength 4 hits with Flaming Attacks. Undead, Nehekharan Undead and models with the Daemonic special rule suffer a Strength 5 hit instead, with no armour saves allowed.

Shield of Faith (remains in play):
The Warrior Priest and his unit have a 5+ ward save. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest casts another 'Remains in Play' Prayer. This Prayer has no effect if the model already has a Ward save.

Unbending Righteousness (remains in play):
The Warrior Priest and any unit he joins is Unbreakable. If the Priest leaves the unit or is slain, the prayer will immediately cease to affect the unit. This Prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priest casts another 'Remains in Play' Prayer.

Would that still be ok for 65 points? (for fun battles between amateur players)

Offline Athiuen

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 08:44:52 PM »
Those prayers are incredibly powerful.  Much too powerful for bound 4 spells I would say.  They'd need to be bound 6 at least and be limited to one prayer a turn or something.
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Offline Xathrodox86

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 10:41:36 AM »
I love Warrior Priests. Simple as that. They are, for me, one of the iconic images of WFB/WFRP and I always put at least one in my army, whenever I'm playing a game. :happy:
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Offline Artobans Ghost

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2017, 01:20:13 PM »
I love Warrior Priests. Simple as that. They are, for me, one of the iconic images of WFB/WFRP and I always put at least one in my army, whenever I'm playing a game. :happy:

Ditto! When I first got into the hobby with the empire / goblin starter set I came across the warrior priest model and bought them all loving the idea and fluff and warhammer.
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Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2017, 02:41:16 PM »
You know I never really bothered with adding any priests to any of my Empire armies until I picked up that 'Blessing of sigmar' mini-diorama from a few years ago.
The closest thing I had to a warrior priest was the 'Fat friar' from the Men-at-arms kit

Offline Xathrodox86

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2017, 09:25:06 AM »
You know I never really bothered with adding any priests to any of my Empire armies until I picked up that 'Blessing of sigmar' mini-diorama from a few years ago.
The closest thing I had to a warrior priest was the 'Fat friar' from the Men-at-arms kit

There's a fat Warrior Priest with a hammer and a shield for the Empire, as well. I have him in metal, but now he's available only in Finecast, I think.
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Offline Shadow_Zero

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2017, 05:20:22 PM »
I never considered the prayers to be overpowered, especially when looking at what other armies have. Heck, most of the time they get dispelled in 8th edition anyway. It always felt annoying (and time consuming) to me that you need to cast every turn. So in that regard also a Remains In Play would be nice. But to not make it too overpowered, cancel it when you choose to do a new prayer.

And in general, yeah, I love Empire Warrior Priests. I have all the metal models, which were very nice, in my book.

What is the 'Blessing of sigmar' mini-diorama?

Offline Zygmund

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2017, 05:48:03 PM »
What is the 'Blessing of sigmar' mini-diorama?


Got a better hit with "Sigmar's blessing", which possibly is the actual title it was sold under. A collector's item that was available on the GW website some years during the late 7th ed and early 8th ed times. Around 2010, I think.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 05:50:21 PM by Zygmund »
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Offline Warlord

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2017, 10:18:38 AM »
Is it just me, or does the sigmar 's' look just a like a '$' instead?
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Offline Athiuen

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2017, 03:40:21 AM »
Is it just me, or does the sigmar 's' look just a like a '$' instead?

GW just expressing their true desire subconsciously.
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Offline Xathrodox86

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2017, 02:13:00 PM »
Is it just me, or does the sigmar 's' look just a like a '$' instead?

Well, the Sigmarites are very rich, so... ;)

On a more serious note - this is probably the best unit filler from GW, at least in my opinnion.
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Offline Warlord

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2017, 12:57:28 AM »
I had one. I sold it a few months back.
Just never really liked it.
Quote from: Gneisenau
I hate people who don't paint their armies, hate them with all my guts. Beats me how they value other things over painting, like eating or brushing teeth.

Offline Xathrodox86

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2017, 09:27:25 AM »
I had one. I sold it a few months back.
Just never really liked it.

For shame. :unsure:
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Offline Konrad von Richtmark

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2017, 11:21:17 AM »
Is it just me, or does the sigmar 's' look just a like a '$' instead?

That guy must be a Sigmarite TV preacher  :-P
The only good thing about 7th ed heads is that they look particularly inbred and superstitious which is perfect for Stirlanders

Offline Konrad von Richtmark

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2017, 11:22:29 AM »
On the OP, I'm pretty sure the Arch-Lector existed during 6e already as a WD/Annual/Chronicles addition.
The only good thing about 7th ed heads is that they look particularly inbred and superstitious which is perfect for Stirlanders

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2017, 12:53:49 PM »
I've had an idea for a female warrior priest [Priestess?]. Is the Bertha Bestra...betrafung...-whats-her-name still available or am I going to have to get one from the secondary market?

Offline Xathrodox86

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Re: Warrior Priests through the years
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2017, 10:06:08 AM »
I've had an idea for a female warrior priest [Priestess?]. Is the Bertha Bestra...betrafung...-whats-her-name still available or am I going to have to get one from the secondary market?

Secondray market I'm afraid. Or you could kitbash one, with addition of some greenstuff.
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