
Author Topic: Cheesy 2000pts Army List  (Read 4833 times)

Offline WolfyGriess

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Cheesy 2000pts Army List
« on: December 12, 2008, 11:00:14 AM »
 ::heretic:: Wolfy Griess ::heretic::

I thought I'd get that out of the way straight away, to save time later on!

This is a relatively cheesy list, though I am also considering a much cheesier one too. It's for a 2000pts mini-tourney tomorrow. I know that possible enemies are Wood Elves, Dark Elves and Lizards, but there is also the possibility of Ogres and Greenskins andwho knows what else. I've never taken a Lector before, but I looked at the rules and Oh My Goodness they are good. This is ridiculously magic heavy... I'm going there to win, not to be fluffy or pretty. If people want fluffy and pretty I'll take my kitten along.

Anywho, C&C most welcome and desired.

Arch Lector, War Altar (look, I spelled it with an A at last!), Heavy Armour, Shield, Mace of Helstrum, VHSpec - 324
Wizard, Level 2, Rod of Power - 130
Wizard, Level 2, Wizard's Staff, Doomfire Ring - 140
Wizard, Level 2, Dispel Scroll - 125

10 Knights Sanguine, great swords, Full Comm, Banner of the Daemonslayer - 320
6 Knights - 138
6 Knights - 138
6 Knights - 138

5 Pistoliers, Outrider w. RP, Musician - 114
5 Pistoliers, Outrider w. RP, Musician - 114
Cannon - 100
Cannon - 100

Helstorm - 115

Total - 1996

Magic Phase - Casting Pool: 8 (11) Dispel Pool: 7 (10)

Models - 39 Mounted, 12 on foot

Balanced? Not so much really, but I'm relying on the unexpectedness of it, and the sheer ouchness. Abuse away  :wink:
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline phillyt

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Re: Cheesy 2000pts Army List
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 12:08:31 PM »
This is a relatively cheesy list, though I am also considering a much cheesier one too. It's for a 2000pts mini-tourney tomorrow. I know that possible enemies are Wood Elves, Dark Elves and Lizards, but there is also the possibility of Ogres and Greenskins andwho knows what else. I've never taken a Lector before, but I looked at the rules and Oh My Goodness they are good. This is ridiculously magic heavy... I'm going there to win, not to be fluffy or pretty. If people want fluffy and pretty I'll take my kitten along.

I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Arch Lector, War Altar (look, I spelled it with an A at last!), Heavy Armour, Shield, Mace of Helstrum, VHSpec - 324
Wizard, Level 2, Rod of Power - 130
Wizard, Level 2, Wizard's Staff, Doomfire Ring - 140
Wizard, Level 2, Dispel Scroll - 125

Good.  Ditch the wizard staff.  Add another powerstone to the dispel wizard.

10 Knights Sanguine, great swords, Full Comm, Banner of the Daemonslayer - 320
6 Knights - 138
6 Knights - 138
6 Knights - 138

Okay, but why 10 knights?

5 Pistoliers, Outrider w. RP, Musician - 114
5 Pistoliers, Outrider w. RP, Musician - 114
Cannon - 100
Cannon - 100

Helstorm - 115

Okay, but never take a lone helstorm.

Here we go:

Magic: Almost as good as it gets.
Shooting: Below average.  A couple shooting units and cannons is the bare minimum.  You hvae that.  Never take a lone helstorm.
Combat:  Terrible.  No infantry, no hammer unit, no anvil.  This army totally lacks real close combat ability.
Manuvering:  Extremely.  Very fast, plenty of mobile elements.

Okay, this army is not cheesy, it just sucks.  It cannot out shoot armies, it certianly cannot out fight them.  I am not even sure how it would win most combats.  The only thing I can think of are paired charges by knights, but there just aren't enough of them to pull that off.  Lacking characters to pump the units, they would most likely not make it into combat anyway without losing models, then lose combat to static CR and characters.  The altar is the only good unit in this army for fighting in CC.

Scrap it and try again.

Where did she touch you Eight? Show us on the doll.

Offline WolfyGriess

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Re: Cheesy 2000pts Army List
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2008, 03:00:43 AM »
Scrap it and try again.


Harsh but fair...  :icon_cry:
I... I... I don't know what to say.  I think I like you very much.

Offline Folken

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Re: Cheesy 2000pts Army List
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 06:14:00 AM »
Sorry, gotta concur with PhillyT's assessment, if you want to go mounted cool but means you gotta make units they gotta face and units that can get the flank.
Also, why the Mace of Helsturm and the Speculum? Just give him meteoric Iron and then he should be able to take any hits between the 1+ armor save and a 4+ ward then hit with the Mace.