Because this post is the first one at this site I want to say few things

First of all, unfortunately English is my second language and past few years I haven't got many occasions to use it in practise, so forgive me many mistakes which appears in my posts
In this tread I will present results of two years adventure with imperial army. At this moment I have minis for 5k battles, but in fact, about 50% of them need still some time to look good.
So now I would like to present some finished (or almost finished) minis of my Legion of the golden skull

Core units
- 15 handgunners
- 20 halberds
- 8 reiksguard knights
- 5 crossbowman's

Special units
- 25 Greatwords
- 2 cannons
- mortar

Rare units
- steamtank
- 2 hellblasters

Lords, heroes
-Elector count on griffon
-4 warrior priests ( 3 on foot and one on horse)
-Master Engineer with Reapeter Handgun
-2 Wizards
-4 Captains (One GW set, one with Great weapon and BSB with Grifon standart)

And some WIP
- Arch lector on war altar
- 13 crossbowman
- 8 inner circle knights
- 5 outriders
And many,many models only gray or black.
Now – few words about painting. Actually I learned how to paint on this army so paint level is not very high, but I think that is enough for gaming army.
PS One more thing – my Wizard house – built about a year ago and this is my first building constructed well (in my opinion).