
Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds => The Imperial Office => Topic started by: Tytus Reinmund on June 07, 2004, 05:56:40 PM

Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Tytus Reinmund on June 07, 2004, 05:56:40 PM
I’ve posted this army list on the CoL, but since the number of replies was rather low I decided to post it here on the Empire forum. Maybe here will it get a bit more attention. I welcome all constructive critic.
Some units were written over from the book, the majority I have written myself. Some units were changed a bit. I’ll be glad to hear some comments.

Army of Kislev army list.



The most famous, old and battle wise pulkmasters are some times rewarded by the Tzar or Tzarina by uplifting them to the rank of a hetman. Having spent the best part of life fighting these commanders are superbly battle-wise. They rule the army with an iron grip that even the meanest dictators find hard to match, their command is absolute. It is war that has made them what they are and they realize fully that a moment of weakness can be exploited by the enemy thus putting the whole army, left under their command, in danger. This must not happen. Being given the power they must also take the full responsibility for the army entrusted to them. So they must be like a good shepherd, who seeks the best for all of his sheep, not only the chosen ones. The soldiers seam to realize this to, that their hetman is trying to find the best way for them all, and they will fallow his lead should he even want to lead them to the deepest pits of Hell itself. The more famous atamans or pulkmasters some times wish rather fallow their own goals than the overall thought of hetman that is pushing the army ever onwards, these are always put back into their place very quickly. This is why the men under the orders of these outstanding officers regard them as rough, but even more as fair. The sheer presence of a hetman on the battle field seams to calm down the soldiers even in the direst situations.

Pulkmasters and Atamans

The pulkmasters are high officers of the Gospodar, whilst the Atamans are of Ungol origin. They have very much in common through. Both are beloved by their men not as a Father like the hetmans are, but much more like an older brother. They are not only great friends for their soldiers, but also heroes in their eyes, a display of virtues for which they wish to strive for, to become an pulkmaster or an ataman one day. That is why a failure in the eyes of their chef is probably the only thing that an kislevite fears and so will not allow himself to flee in sight of danger, instead he will show that he is worthy of service by the side of his leader.

Ice Lords and Frost Mages

The most powerful Frost Mages, are called Ice Lords -very powerful individuals, still none can match the skill of Tzarina Katrin in binding the winds of magic. The myths say that a mere gaze  of these wizards can turn a men into a life less block of ice, the Ice Lords do nothing to erase this nonsense, not without a reason. To study the arcane lore, a lot of peace is needed, that is why these wizards isolate themselves from the society. Rare are occasions when a Boyar dears to beg one for an advice, fearing of his anger. The years of study have made the skin of these wizards as white as snow, and their eyes as could as ice. Deep within their hearts they still held the warmth of Kislevian Folk, and fire burning in their souls to repeal all invaders from their country. Some one who knows the wizards of the Old World will soon discover the great difference, between them and the Frost Mages. A Magician of Ice may become a friend for a lifetime for these willing, to grant them with friendship, something that is very unlikely in case of a wizard from the Old World.

Priests of Ursun

Every autumn equinox kislevite parents must gather all their children, in the places of Ursun’s worship. The elderly priests then choose which children they wish to take and teach them the ways of Ursun. The old priest travels with his acolyte, granting him the knowledge he accrued during his service for the Bear God. It is he who will motivate the youngster to develop, and test his skills. Ultimately he will decree his student as a Priest of Ursun. The young Priest must now pass the Trail of Initiation, he must now tame a Bear of Kislev, now will he have to use his faith and skill to pass the test and only when he successfully tames a Bear, will he be allowed to call himself a Servant of Ursun.

Brotherhood of Winter Fox

These units are formed from out-casts and rouges. Instead of punishing “the people who have problems fitting into society”, the Tzars chose to introduce such people into military and use their skills for the good of Kislev people. In return they are allowed to keep all that they can take of the enemy and plunder in the mean time. They are excellent woodsmen and trappers, trained in the art of sudden attack and ambush. They are as a fox; they attack suddenly when the enemy doesn’t have a clue of their existence and than evade all attacks and pursuit, when he holds the upper hand, to finally lure him into a another trap or to make them ultimately lose the track in the wilds. To seek a group of these men in wilderness is a fool’s undertaking. The leaders of the Brotherhood are men of honor (in a strange meaning, but still honor), although regarded as reckless. This dose not matter neither the Hetman, nor the Tzars, for on war and in love every thing is fair, and these men achieve exceptional results day by day.

Army Special Rules:

Blessing of Ursun, Blessing of Tor – adds one dispel dice to your dispel pool on the enemies turn.

Prayers of Ursun: bound spell power level 3, choose which one to cast;
·   The Bear’s Roar- casts The Eagle’s Cry spell of the Lore of Beats,
·   The Bear’s Wrath- priest gains frenzy and hatred,
·   Incarnation of Ursun- priest gains S5, A3.

Prayers of Tor: bound spell power level 3, choose which one to cast;
·   Forked Lightning,
·   Thunder Storm – priest and unit gets 6+ ward save vs. shooting and spells,
·   Storm of Destruction – all priest’s and unit’s attacks count as magical.

Tamed Bear
The bear bought for the priest, will be a normal Bear of Kislev with following exceptions:
·   It must always be placed in base contact with the priest, if in a unit it will take a place amongst the ranks, preferably in the first rank if possible, it moves at the priests speed if he’s on foot, if he is mounted on a warhorse, then he must slow down to the bears m6.
·   If the priest challenges or is challenged, then he may choose to let the bear fight for him, the bear fights in the challenge, the priest may fight as normal. If the bear is killed then the priest must take its place and continue to fight the challenge. Note that the Bear cannot challenge be himself or accept challenges (for example if the priest was killed).
·   The priest with a bear may freely join units as normal. The bear may be picked out of the unit as a target, as he is much larger then normal troops (he still isn’t Large Target through)
·   If the priest is killed the bear must test Ld, if he fails roll on the monster reaction chart, otherwise the bear remains under players control, but leaves any unit he was part of imminently and may not join any unit for the remainder of battle.

Magic Items:


Sword of Freezing…………………………………………………………………….….100pts
The swords touch changes flesh into ice and makes the metal crumble into dust. The lesser foes die horribly as they turn into frozen skeletons, the greater enemies suffer even a more bizarre death, as they are transformed into golems, icy monstrosities driven by the weapons magic and the users will.
+1 strength, -1 additional armour save modifier, disallows regeneration (exactly as flaming attacks), any creature with 3+ wounds killed by bearer transforms into an frost golem: m6,ws4,s5,t5,w2,i6,a3,ld8, cause fear, unbreakable. If the bearer is slain all frost golems must test as undead no to crumble into nothing.

Shard Blade……………………………………………………………………………..…65pts
Tzar Boris had carried a mighty pole-arm with a blade crafted from ice hewn from the glaciers of Norsca, and magically bound by ice wizards of Kislev to remain forever frozen. Always when Boris had made a strike on a foe, shards of ice water would entered his veins and freeze his blood.
When using the Shard Blade, the user adds +2 to his Strength. In addition, any models who suffer a wound (after saving throws etc.) must take an Toughness test. If the test is failed they suffer an additional wound with no Armour or Ward save possible. Remember that a roll of a 6 is always a failure, no matter the Toughness of the opponent.

Saber of Tzar Vladimir…………………………………….………………………………45pts
Former weapon forged by the dwarfs for Tzar Vladimir, now carried by the greatest warriors of Kislev.
No armour save

Hammer of Tor …………………………………………………………………………....40pts
Said to be the weapon used by god Tor, in his fight against giants. According to an ancient legend Tor passed this weapon to the first High Priest of His Cult named Miedwied. Enemies hit by this weapon are struck by a thunder.
All models hit must test T, if failed they suffer 1 wound with no Armour save possible, if not still attempt to wound at base strength.

Bear Hunters Bow............................………………………………………………...........35pts.
This bow was in service of the best Kislevite hunters since the time of the Great War against Chaos, some say it may be of an elven origin.
Range 30”, Strength 5, D3 wounds per wounding hit.

Sword of Urskov……………………………………………………………………….….30pts
-What a great weapon you have got there sir Urskov, is it an executioners sword?
-Nay, a marauders weapon, my grand, grand father won it in battle.
-It surely must be wielded in both hands.
-You can wield it in both or in one hand. Try it- Urskov grants the sword to the young pulkmaster. He struggles to keep the sword in one hand, but then drops it down.
-Let me show you how to do it- he picks the might sword as it was made from wood. And starts to swing with it, he seams to have no trouble at all to use the one and a half meter long sword as it was a saber or a rapier.
The sword of Urskov, counts as a great weapon, but grants +3 to Strength.


Shield of Ice………………………………………………………………………………..60pts
Carved out of the hardest ice found in the World Edge Mountains, this shield can sustain even the mightiest of blows.
Grants 5+ save, if the wearer is killed then the shield is destroyed, but all wounds suffered under the level of one wound are ignored (also for combat resolution, this can save from killing blow), so the character survives, but may not strike any attacks this combat phase any more.

Armour of Ursun……………………………………………………………………….….50pts
Forged on the Spring Equinox, one of the holiest days of the cult of Ursun, the powdered bones of a score of the mightiest bears were mixed with the steel of the armour before it was quenched in the finest mead. This suit is imbued with the power cursing through their veins.
The Armour of Ursun counts as full plate (4+ armour save). In addition, for each hit caused by his enemies in close combat, the wearer may make an additional attack back after his enemies’ attacks have been resolved (and assuming that he is still alive!). He may make these bonus attacks even if he has already attacked that phase.

Helm of Ursun………………………………………………………………………..……35pts
The roar emitted by the helm drives the Kiselviets onward in combat and breaks the fighting spirit in the enemy.
The helm adds +1 to Combat Resolution. Also the helm gives +1 to armour save that can be combined with other armour as normal

Armour of Frost……………………………………………………………………………30pts
A chill of the cold northern winds paralyzes the enemies trying to strike the wearer of this armour.
Heavy armour, enemy that hits the wearer, always strikes last in the following turn of combat.


Bane Ice Talisman……………………………………………………………………...….45pts
Around the talisman there is always an aura of chilling could that stabilizes the time-space, not allowing it to be warped in any kind.
Bearer gets 3+ ward save against all attacks from spells, magical attacks. In addition all magical effects from which the character may suffer are ignored on a further roll of 4+.

Medallion of Bear……………………………………………………………………....….40pts
The energies of Ursun are being captured by his priests and pressed into this medallion. When they are being unleashed the wearer transforms into an were bear, to tear through the enemy ranks.
One use only, bearer gets +2S, +3 A, 5+ ward save, may not use any weapons, his armour disappears for that combat phase.

Gem of Ever-Ice…………………………………………………………………………...35pts

5+ ward save, ignore all effects of fire (spells, warpfire, berserker sword counts as mundane sword, a cannon with rune of burning still can kill, as it is the cannon ball that hits etc.)

Enchanted items:

Cloak of the Great Bear……………………………………………………………………75pts
A hero covered in this cloak, becomes the manifestation of the enemy’s worst nightmare.
The Cloak grants 6+ ward save, user causes terror.

Tundra Wolf Cloak…………………………………………………………………..…….20pts
The hide of the Tundra Wolf grants an great protection against both harm and could. It is very hard to find and hunt down such an wolf, so it is considered that a person wearing it must truly be a skilled warrior.
Character may be deployed as a Scout, also may join a unit of Brotherhood of Winter Fox deploying as scouts. Gives +1 to armour save.

Arcane items:

Staff of Ice …………………………………………………………………………….…..40pts
The any living creature in the path of the ice blast are momentary turned into blocks of ice.
Bound spell 4, casts the “Midwinter’s Kiss” spell.

Box of Storm……………………………….………………………………………….…..25pts
The Box can unleash a terrible storm upon the battle field. The enemy must seek shelter as they are paralyzed by the could.
Bound spell 3, casts the “Invocation of the ice storm” spell.

Ice Shard………………………………………………………………………………..….15pts
One use only, may be used after the enemy has cast a spell (in the same moment as a Dispel Scroll). Roll a dice and subtract the number rolled, from the number rolled for casting the spell. If the new number is under the required casting number then the spell fails to be cast. If not, then it may not be dispelled this turn. Multiple Ice Shards may be bought for the army (as by Dispell Scrolls).


Banner of Snow Dragon………………………………………………………………...…50pts
A moving image of a great dragon situated on this banner adds to the terror of facing the Kislevite knights.
Units testing panic form Winged Lancers charge are at –2 to Ld, after every other modifier.

Banner of Praag ………………………………………………………………..………….75pts
The banner waved by the retrieval force marching to Praag, during the Great War against Chaos, has absorbed the burning hatred of soldiers that came to see their city burned down. This hatred stirs the demon kind and makes banishing them easier.
All demons within 12” suffer:
–1 to their ward/demonic save, all instability tests are at –1 to Ld.

Standard of Kislev………………………………………………………………………..100pts
Since the siege of Kislev this standard has been the symbol of resistance against even the most terrible of foes.
All friendly units within 12” of the standard are completely immune to Fear.

Army List


0-1   Hetman………………………………………………………………………………130pts.
Hetman m4, ws5, bs5, s4, t4, w3, i5, a3, ld9
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May choose a lance (if mounted, +6pts), a great weapon (+6pts), or additional hand weapon (+6pts).
·   May choose either a bow (+9pts), or a pistol (+10pts), brace of pistols (+20pts), or a handgun (+15pts).
·   May wear light armour (+3pts), heavy armour (+6pts), or full plate armour(+12pts) and may carry a shield (+3pts).
·   May ride a warhorse (+14pts), which may be given barding (+7pts).
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.
Special Rules: Master of War (command radious 18”, must be the general if taken), Master Strategist (may re-deploy up to D3 units after set-up), Glorious Charge.

Pulkmaster/Ataman m4, ws6, bs5, s4, t4, w3, i6, a4, ld9
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May choose a lance (if mounted, +6pts), a graet weapon (+6pts), or additional hand weapon (+6pts).
·   May choose either a bow (+9pts), or a pistol (+10pts), brace of pistols (+20pts), or a handgun (+15pts).
·   May wear light armour (+3pts), heavy armour (+6pts), or full plate armour(+12pts) and may carry a shield (+3pts).
·   May ride a warhorse (+14pts), which may be given barding (+7pts).
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.
Special Rules: Heroic Leader of Men (all units of infantry or cavalry [choose before battle] within 12” are immune to panic), Glorious Charge.

Ice Lord……………………………………………………………………………..……175pts
Ice Lord m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t4 w3, i4, a1, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May ride a warhorse (+14pts), which may be given barding (+7pts).
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.
Special Rules: Spell cater of level 3, uses Lore of Ice. (He may not get level 4)


Kislev Boyar…………………………….90pts
Kislev Boyar m4, ws5, bs5, s4, t4, w2 i5, a3, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May choose a lance (if mounted, +4pts), a great weapon (+4pts), or additional hand weapon (+4pts).
·   May choose either a bow (+6pts), or a pistol (+7pts), brace of pistols (+14pts), or a handgun (+10pts).
·   May wear light armour (+2pts) or heavy armour (+4pts) and may carry a shield (+2pts).
·   May ride a warhorse (+10pts), which may be given barding (+4pts).
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.

Special Rules: Stubborn (passes the effect to the unit he joins).

Priest of Ursun………………………………..95pts
Priest of Ursun m4, ws4, bs4, s4, t4, w2 i4, a2, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May choose a great weapon (+4pts), or additional hand weapon (+4pts).
·   May choose either a bow (+6pts.
·   May wear light armour (+2pts) or heavy armour (+4pts) and may carry a shield (+2pts).
·   May ride a warhorse (+10pts), which may be given barding (+4pts).
·   May take a Tamed Bear (+45pts) – check army special rules for details.
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.
Special Rules: Blessing of Ursun, Immune to Fear, Prayers of Ursun.

Priest of Tor……………………………….95pts
Priest of Tor m4, ws4, bs4, s4, t4, w2 i4, a2, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May choose a great weapon (+4pts), or additional hand weapon (+4pts).
·   May choose either a bow (+6pts.
·   May wear light armour (+2pts) or heavy armour (+4pts) and may carry a shield (+2pts).
·   May ride a warhorse (+10pts), which may be given barding (+4pts).
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.
Special Rules: All units in contact with Priest, and all characters in these units loose frenzy and hatred, Blessing of Tor, Prayers of Tor.

Frost Mage……………………………………………60pts
Frost Mage m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t4 w3, i4, a1, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May ride a warhorse (+10pts), which may be given barding (+4pts).
·   May be given 2 level (+35)pts
·   May choose magic items from the Common and Kislev magic items, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.
Special Rules: Spell cater of level 1, uses Lore of Ice


Winged Lancers…………………………..24pts
Winged Lancer m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld8
Rotamaster m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a2, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, lance, heavy armour, shield.
Mount: Warhorse.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Musician for +8pts.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Standard Bearer for +16pts.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Rotamaster for +16pts.
Special Rules: Glorious Charge.

Ungol Horse Archers………………………17pts
Horse Archer m4, ws3, bs4, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7
Champion m4, ws3, bs4, s3, t3, w1 i3, a2, ld7
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, bow.
Mount: Warhorse.
·   Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Musician for +7pts.
·   Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Standard Bearer for +14pts.
·   Upgrade one Horse Archer to a Champion  for +14pts.
Special Rules: Fast Cavalry.

Kislev Kossars………………………9pts
Kossar m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7
Champion m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a2, ld7

Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, bow, great axe.
·   May be given light armour at +1pt.
·   Upgrade one Kossar to a Musician for +5pts.
·   Upgrade one Kossar to a Standard Bearer for +10pts.
·   Upgrade one Kossar to a Champion  for +10pts.
Special Rules: Steady in the Ranks.

0-2 Kislev Handgunners ………………………8pts
Handgunner m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7
Marksman m4, ws3, bs4, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7

Unit Size: 10-20
Equipment: Hand weapon, handgun.
·   The whole unit may be given light armour at +1pt.
·   The whole unit may be given shield and spear at +3pts.
·   Upgrade one Handgunner to a Musician for +5pts.
·   Upgrade one Handgunner to a Standard Bearer for +10pts.
·   Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksmen  for +5pts, he may be given a brace of pistols at +4pts.
Special Rules: none

Kislev Spearmen………………………5pts
Spearman m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7
Champion m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a2, ld7

Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Hand weapon, spear.
·   May be given light armour at +1pt and/or shield at +1pt.
·   Upgrade one Spearman to a Musician for +5pts.
·   Upgrade one Spearman to a Standard Bearer for +10pts.
·   Upgrade one Spearman to a Champion  for +10pts.
Special Rules: none.

0-2 Cossacks ………………………7pts
Cossack m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i4, a1, ld7
Champion m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i4, a2, ld7

Unit Size: 10+
Equipment: Two hand weapons
·   May exchange one hand weapon for a pistol at +2pts.
·   May be given light armour at +1pt.
·   Upgrade one Cossack to a Musician for +5pts.
·   Upgrade one Cossack to a Standard Bearer for +10pts.
·   Upgrade one Cossack to a Champion  for +10pts.
Special Rules: Sabers- all attacks made by Cossacks with hand weapons confer the armour piercing special ability (-1 As).


0-1 Griffon Legion…………………………….26pts
Lancer m4, ws4, bs3, s4, t3, w1 i4, a1, ld8
Champion m4, ws4, bs3, s4, t3, w1 i4, a2, ld8
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, lance, heavy armour, shield.
Mount: Warhorse.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Musician for +8pts.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Standard Bearer for +16pts.
·   A Standard Bearer may be given a magic standard worth up to 50pts.
·   Upgrade one Lancer to a Champion for +16pts. The Champion may exchange his lance for a pistol for free.
Special Rules: Glorious Charge, Mercenaries.

Brotherhood of Winter Fox………….7pts
Fox m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i4, a1, ld7
Champion m4, ws4, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a2, ld7

Equipment: Hand weapon
·   May be given an additional hand weapon +2pts per model.
·   May be given a bow +3 pts, or a pistol +4pts.
·   May be given a light armour +1pt.
Special Rules: Skirmishers, Scouts

Cannon m-, ws-, bs-, s-, t7, w3, i-,a-,ld-
Crew m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3,a1, ld7
Unit Size: 1 cannon with 3 crew.
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special Rules: Cannon (see rules in rule book page 122), smaller type (R:48, D3 wounds per hit).


War Wagon……………………………320pts
War Wagon m-, ws-, bs-, s5, t6, w8, i-, a-, ld-
Kossar m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1 i3, a1, ld7
Warhorse m8(7), ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Crew: 6 Kossars
Equipment: Kossars have; hand weapons, great weapons, bows, warhorses have; barding, Small Caliber Cannon
Drawn by: 4 barded warhorses.
Armour save: 4+
Unit Size: 1 War Wagon
Unit Strength: 8
Options: none
Special Rules: Large Target, Unbreakable, 100mm square base, Resistant to Damage – S7+ hits don’t destroy the War Wagon outright, as it is the case with normal chariots, Small Caliber Cannon – treat as a cannon with a range of 24’’, S7, D3 wounds per hit; may fire even on the move, in front and side arcs, two Kossars may not shoot their bows if you wish to fire the cannon, may not fire in close combat, a grape shoot is at S3, -1As; is misfires: 4-6 does not shoot this turn, 2-3 does not shoot this and next turn, 1cannon destroyed- may not shoot for the reminder of battle and remove 2 Kossars.

Great Cannon………………………..100pts
Cannon m-, ws-, bs-, s-, t7, w3, i-,a-,ld-
Crew m4, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3,a1, ld7
Unit Size: 1 cannon with 3 crew.
Equipment: Hand weapon.
Special Rules: Cannon (see rules in rule book page 122), biger type (R:48, D3 wounds per hit), Siege Weapon- up to 1 Great Cannon may be bought for every Cannon in the army.

Bears of Kislev……………………45pts.
Bear m6, ws4, bs-, s5, t4, w3, i4, a3, ld8

Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: claws and tooth.
Options: none
Special Rules: cause fear, save 5+, 40mm square base.

0-1 Palace Guard…………………………….30pts
Guard m4, ws4, bs3, s4, t3, w1 i4, a1, ld9
Wachmaster m4, ws4, bs3, s4, t3, w1 i4, a2, ld9
Warhorse m8, ws3, bs3, s3, t3, w1, i3, a1, ld5

Unit Size: 5+
Equipment: Hand weapon, lance, great weapon, full plate armour, shield.
Mount: Warhorse.
·   Upgrade one Guard to a Musician for +8pts.
·   Upgrade one Guard to a Standard Bearer for +16pts.
·   A Standard Bearer may be given a magic standard worth up to 50pts.
·   Upgrade one Guard to a Wachmaster for +16pts.
Special Rules: Glorious Charge, Immune to Psychology, Body Guard (become Stubborn [exception from the Immune to Psychology rule] when joined by a Hetman or Ice Lord, in addition only Lord level characters may join the unit).

Special Characters:

The Small Knight, Michal Wolodyiowsky……………………………………400pts.

m4, ws6, bs5, s4, t4, w3, i6, a4, ld9

Equipment: Saber – has the same effect as biting blade (-1As), but it is a mundane weapon, not a magic weapon, light armour.
Options: May ride a warhorse at no additional cost.
Special Rules:
·   Challenger- must always challenge and accept any challenges, the enemy may not refuse a challenge issued by the Small Knight. If for some reason he would not normally by allowed to fight in a challenge, ignore the rule that disallows this (failed Ld against Honor or Death Blood Dragon Bloodline Power, or because he is not in base to base with the enemy- in which case place him so that he can fight). In a challenge his strength is always raised to the T of the enemy (if its greater than 4)
·   Small Stature, Great Skill – the Ws and A statistics are always raised to the level of best Ws of enemy models in base to base contact with him ( in case of a challenge use only the challengers Ws), if this Ws is better than 6 or 4 respectively.
·   Agile – so agile is he, that he can dodge enemy strikes or parry them, so he has 3+ ward save. In addition he always strikes first.
·   Heroic Leader of Men (all units of infantry or cavalry [choose before battle] within 12” are immune to panic), he is a Pulkmaster.
·   Glorious Charge

This special character is base on one of the heroes of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s books (“Ogniem I Mieczem”- “By Fire and Sword”, “Potop” –“Flood” and “Pan Wołodyjowski”- just as written) regarding the polish history in XVII century.
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: WarMungerer on November 18, 2004, 05:37:14 PM
man, tell me the rules on glorius charge and the lore of ice and the tor priests...my bro destroyed the rules...please
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Calvin on November 19, 2004, 01:45:56 AM
Quote from: WarMungerer
man, tell me the rules on glorius charge and the lore of ice and the tor priests...my bro destroyed the rules...please

Get a new brother  :P , that's illegal and not allowed on this forum.

@ Tytus Reinmund: I don't have enough time to read this now but what I have looked good.
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Der Komet on November 19, 2004, 04:32:50 AM
well done Tytus :-D
Interesting read
you must have spent a hell of a lot of time creating it

I found the list very well based with good fluff and well thought out points costs

A few points though.
You should add another magic banner at or under 50pts.

And also there is too many rare choices maybe you should just drop one or make one 0-1 special choice.

It also it is quite close to an empire army (minus detachments) so maybe you should add some whole army special rules that make it different than the average human army and deals with one of its key weaknesses this would make it far more interesting to play and add some more character.

other wise it looks good :-D
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Tytus on November 19, 2004, 05:41:22 PM
Actually this list is a bit not-up-to-date.
It has been modified and I'm currently discussiong a much newer version on Hammer&Anvil (http://www.lightalliance.co.uk/hammer).
Please feel free to drop in and add your 2 cents :wink:

I'm impressed how fast this topic got attention after the first response, whilst previously there was nobody to respond.

p.s. Tytus Reinmund is me but I lost the old password, and since I only had a single post by then I didn't bother to restore it, and I eventually made a new account.
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Benedictus on November 19, 2004, 10:50:14 PM
The newer version is even better, even if I say that it is because of my oh-so humble influence.
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: RGB on November 19, 2004, 10:56:40 PM
Thank you Benedictus  :P

I should have posted it here too. But now they know.
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Benedictus on November 20, 2004, 02:49:25 PM
Quote from: RGB
Thank you Benedictus  :P

Oh, yeah, and RGB did some stuff to. But it was pretty minor (a whole other list minor, but well...y'know....)

*cough* Uh...my pleasure, RGB! :D
Title: Kislev Army List
Post by: Midaski on November 20, 2004, 04:15:27 PM
Saw this earlier in the week, and as we obviously share a love of Kislev, I left it until a peaceful Saturday afternoon to read it properly.

As has been suggested a lot of time and effort has gone into this, and very well done.

Can I just query/suggest.

1. The Bear as a Priest's bodyguard; I would have expected to pay slightly more points for, compared to your points cost for the bears in a normal unit?

2. The bears unit. Fits nicely with other armies such as ogres, rat ogres, kroxigors, minotaurs etc, but did you consider the Packmaster/Tamer concept?

3. Handgunners: Did you look at the Mordheim 'Streltsi' concept, with the berdiche/halberd?
My handgunners all have a 'halberd' for a gunrest. What I like about the idea is that it follows the Kossar Bow + Gt Axe theme, and 'steady in the ranks' could be a Kislev infantry theme.

4. I know you have Lancers and Horse Archers, but consider how many members on this forum promote the use of Dogs of War Light Cavalry, and I feel that the Cossack Cavalry feel is an important part of Kislev.

5. Your 'cossacks' have 2 hand weapons, yet have this special sabre rule. I feel that there is a conflict here - half swordsmen half free company?

I see Kislev as 2-part. The 'civilised' city areas where empire influence may be felt most, there is more wealth, and consequently you would have better equipped 'standing' regiments.
Then there is the rural 'steppes' element, of tough but unruly fighters such as the Ungols Horse Archers.
Maybe the Cossacks or the Spearmen, sould be given a more 'rural' feel.

Anyway it's easy to comment after, a lot easier than doing all the work involved to produce such a list..........