'A' is for 'Altdorf'... learn about the many provinces of the Empire!
I agree with the inhumane treatment of animals.
Yep, they remind me of the Spanish. All you need are some 5th ed. hand gunners and you're set
Now that is an especially cool colour scheme. I really like your painting and to me your army has a lot of character. Heck it looks like a medieval/renaissance Mediterranean army, like Aragonese or Sicilian (very near and also similar to the Armies of my home island of Malta at the time). Keep up the good work. PS: lovely GS work there
Hello Athiuen and welcome to the Back Table.
Nice job on the unit filler. Does it look weird to have some guy from another province being knocked off in the middle of your units? lol Oh, and love the work on the unipose spearmen. I'm almost tempted to pick up some more to try and emulate your painting style
Usually I have a female mage holding my Rod of Power
Useless as they may be, the horses still need their knights for the extra armour save.
There is just a thing I'm not a fan of : your home made banners may be a bit flashy, and don't really fit to the rest of your army. It is just my opinion though...Good luck for the painting.
I am actually Steve McQueen.
Europe. Time difference.
Have one on Midaski's tab.
Europe. Time difference.Awesome job! I'd make them outriders.
Which pistolier bits are you looking to use?
I really hate fantasy (yeah i Know its Warhammer Fantasy Battles) so i tried to keep to a historical theme.
No matter where you go, there's always a Polish guy waiting to tell you all about winged hussars.