Right, lads, time for the final round! Or almost final round, anyway. I'ma be taking a lot better full-army set of shots here soon, but for now, I figured I'd show off the latest batches. Everythin' Wiss sent my way to complete is now, at oh-so-very long last,

, finished.
The final tally is 62 models; 30 Spearmen, 20 Greatswords, 10 Nilla Knights, and 2 Characters:

Now, for the finished Greatswords:

Some of the models that I completed since last time, including the freehand banner:

Aaand lastly, the other batch of Nilla Knights. Note that they're posed differently than the Green Knights: they're marching with lances up and shields slung, whereas this lot have shields up and lances down.

And they are most certainly not
Thanx fer lookin'!

- Z