This thread has been a 'long' time coming. Feeling a sense of obligation to do something for my own army and inspired, albeit briefly, by our trip to visit the English that now reside in North Carolina, I had garnered the
will to paint! Well, in two days I painted up this fellow (sorry for the poor pictures), which shows that I do have it in me. Just not very often.
These models are the first in which I tried layering (to a certain degree) and dry brushing. I even used some of the new inks to try to help with the shading. I hope it worked out. I was pleased with the results, though I know I've still got a ways to go. Being patient helped out a lot, though.

And one of him with unpainted hero:

Soon after I went and painted up the scouting captain that I had constructed for the Crisis in Marienburg campaign. He doubles as a marksman for my warband in Mordheim. Well, that's all he can really do at the moment...

And that was about it for a couple of months. But, this fellow I just put together tonight. I always wanted a special model to represent him, but I finally got all the bits and bobs (read slowly here Shadowwolf

) to finish him up. I plan on adding a cloak from the knight set after I've painted him.
Sebastian Drauwulf

I wanted to avoid a static pose, but I'm not that great with green stuff to make him look more dynamic. I think this pose is good though. The kitbash with the sword worked out better than I had hoped, but it isn't totally straight. I actually had to make a notch in the back of his hat to fit the sword in, too. Not too much work all in all. Hopefully I'll be able to paint him relatively soonish as I don't want to get too back logged again.
Now, with any luck I'll be able to update this every now and again when I finish these up and start up some of my other loose end projects.
Comments and criticism are welcome