These 2 next bat reps come together as it was a three way battle where 2/3 of each opposing army went too kill me and I just shot em to bits
All I lost was half a spearman unit
Region: The Howling Heights (NE)
Armies: Empire Vs. Ogres
Army Name: 7th Waldenhof Elite
General: Capt. Sasha Steinkopf
Battle Size: 1250pts.
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Defend the crossroads leading to the rear of the imperial camp!!!
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: Handgunners beating bulls in combat. Oh and helblaster firing 24 shots at some bulls. Bye Bye bulls
Region: The Howling Heights (NE)
Armies: Empire Vs. Orks & gobbos
Army Name: 7th Waldenhof Elite
General: Capt. Sasha Steinkopf
Battle Size: 1250pts.
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Defend the crossroads leading to the rear of the imperial camp!!!
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: Helblaster shooting at really tough black ork unit. Then I roll a six on the misfire chart. Bye Bye black orks
. Actually more cool than that was my opponents face when he saw the ammount of dice I was about to use
And one I played earlier:
Region: The Howling Heights (NE)
Armies: Empire Vs. BoC
Army Name: 7th Waldenhof Elite
General: Capt. Sasha Steinkopf
Battle Size: 1250pts.
Objective: Pitched battle
Fluff Objective: Got ambushed on my way to the tower of mourning and had to kill the beasts.
Outcome: Massacre
Cool Moment: Nothing much i killed every thing he had with some lucky shooting.