I am thinking about the new Griffon, I think the model is great. The Karl Franz model and Deathclaw head option look brilliant - as far as I'm concerned they are the best looking options for the griffon. So the answer seems obvious - build it that way. But.... I am not interested in ever fielding Karl Franz. Fluff wise, I can't bring myself to do it. There is no way that the Emperor would ever lead my rag-tag band of Wissenlanders in Araby.
So here is my qualm, what do I do? Give me your modeling advice fellow empire-men! (I'm thinking things like - Karl Franz on the griffon without Deathclaw's head, and with the non KF chest place... The rune fang option, or another custom sword, an added shield, maybe a green stuff mustache, idk) What are you thoughts? How can I make Karl Franz not KF, but still use that awesome Helmet and armor....