Okay so i;ve dug this thread up and given it a dust off for a small amount of progress.
I now know who my doubles partner is so i've been able to finalise a list. He will be taking an all skink skirmishing lizardmen force so we need a few big units to last in combat. I will thus be taking a ubnit of swordsmen led by a warrior priest, a unit of knights and for a bit of fun a Hellblaster.
I know people don't think the hellblaster is a good unit but I have the most awesome lunk with them. I think he average number of shots I roll for is about 26. I have rolled 30 about 10 times and 90% of misfires result in 30 shots! I love em.
I had to find and fix my hellblaster and give it a coat of paint but I reckon it is ready for war now, once I sort out some crew of course!

For the tournament we are attending each army requires a back story. Mine is centred around the Cult of Pigmar (our WFRP characters and the swordsmen unit in the army) and how they ended up being allied with some lizardmen...
(edited for decency)
Tales of Pigmar; Pigmar's Lustrian Adventure Part 1: The Journey Begins
After a night of drinking it is not uncommon for the Cult of Pigmar to have ‘obtained’ some money or the services of a local militia, ruined a pub or two and started a riot. Imagine then of the night that led to them finding themselves sporting the mother of all hangovers, with the command of a unit of the Empire’s finest knights, proud owners of a new hellblaster volley gun and on a boat sailing from the ruins of a small port on the river Reik…
“Feckin’ hell” Hagar, the trainee Warrior Priest’s voice grated through the minds of those unfortunate enough to have woken up, “my head feels like it’s been stamped on by a wyvern”
“Yeah yeah, with an orc on the back wearing giant slippers and a kraken hat, we know the story…” groaned Konradin, humble thief and purveyor of historical artefacts, ducking to avoid the pint pot Hagar had launched his way.
As the rest of the gang rose they began to notice where they were.
“I’m sure there was a bar there and those ships definitely weren’t…” Ragen, the most observant of the group, tailed off as he slowly realised that perhaps last night hadn’t exactly ended well
Hagar turned around and came face to face with a stern looking man in fine armour;
“My Lord Hagar” began the stranger, “We loaded the equipment this morning sir, the engineer wanted to show it to you but apparently he gets sea sick”
“er, good, good work” stumbled Hagar, desperately searching for any memory of the night before.
In an attempt to keep up the front that he knew what he was doing, Hagar sidled over to the ship’s captain and asked in a hushed voice “where exactly are we sailing to?”
Hope you like it?
Part 2 will be written by my doubles partner and will introduce his army and explain why the Cult are not killed by the skinks and how they ended up allied!
I also reslised that my larger 3000 point empire army was illegal! I had too many heroes and so a bit of a re-think means I needed a mortar. Rather than use a boring bog-standard mortar I decided it was time to dig out and use a classic;

Being such a classivc mini I decided to give it a bit of effort hence the base
C&C welcome as ever