
Author Topic: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.  (Read 7074 times)

Offline MrAnderssen

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Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« on: August 25, 2007, 02:53:28 AM »
Ok everyone paticipating in the Tale of Imperial Painters-
- here is the second fortnight's thread for entries. The due date is the the 26th. But it is open at the start of the weekend to cater for those in situations that make it hard to post on sunday. It will be opun all week, but I encourage you to post early on.
for last fortnight's entries look here
and remeber, this thread is for entries only you can discuss it at
Now get posting

« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 02:58:01 AM by MrAnderssen »

Offline Dantanium

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 04:50:54 PM »
'Victor knew that with his father and brothers away fighting the Chaos invasion to the north his beloved country was under great peril from other would be assailants. To this end he dispatched Falgor his personal priest into the rurals to whip the peasantry into a patriotic stand. many young men heard the call and grabbing whatever weapons they could find flocked the gates of Castle Hession. The ageing Prince sat before them, his condition and weakness for all to see. As a gesture to the men who had come he threw ordered the doors of the great museum of Waltburg be opened and bronze betty, the empires earliets remaining great cannon was rolled forwards to fight again'

Offline Vivendi

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 08:21:15 PM »

Hunting rabbits is their speciality, but screening troops is the other one.

John Von Rudhen is only a sergeant in my army, but in smaller games is use him as my captain.
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Offline SirUlrich

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 03:29:14 PM »

Late is better than never. I promised to paint five models, so here are six. My total for calculations is now six, although with the time and effort put to the unit champion (Sergeant-Deacon) I'd like to count him a character. Well, six it is. And here they are:

Ordo Silenti Greatswords for my Cult of Morr army.

Everyone so far without basing:

And from behind:


And finally the unit champion (Sergeant-Deacon):

Oh, and just in case anyone is interested; the basic formula for the unit is Dark Elf Warrior legs, Knights/Militia torso, Wood Elf Glade Guard head and White Wolf doulble hammer arms with the greatsword from the militia sprue. I'm kind of happy with these...


You brush and pallette guys scare me ;)

Offline Perambulator

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 03:32:42 PM »
I'm kind of happy with these...


 :Ohmy: Sir, you if you are only "kind of" happy with these, then I DEMAND to see what you are truly happy with!!! These are fantastic!
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I bet "Animal" has Frenzy . . .

Offline Soju

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2007, 09:05:35 PM »
Oooo those are very Morr-ish!

Great stuff


Offline Brunger

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2007, 02:18:43 PM »
For this fortnight I painted my converted Battle Standard Bearer and Warrior Priest (for 10 models)

First my warrior priest: "Archaon, Lord of the good times!"

Next, my Battle Standard Bearer

And this is a group shot of my finished mounted halflings. By the time I'm done I'm hoping to have 10 knights and 8 outriders as mounted models in my army. (the knight on the left I've had painted for a while)

Offline Xlam

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2007, 03:29:23 PM »
Better late than never, right?
Below is my last two weeks work. I will not be able to post on the 3rd fortnight so here are my two units. One more thing - I started painting maybe six months ago and before this "initiative" only got to finish maybe 20 infantry models altogether. Therefore please forgive lousy painting and even worse pictures - comparing to the level of excellence some of you have achieved I am... well nothing great...  :icon_redface: Enjoy:

Fortnight 2:

Waldheim's guards were with him from the very beginning. One can see them charging into the thickest battle without hestitation or a word of complaint.

Fortnight 3:

War machines make marching difficult but once they make it to the battlefield few can face them without fear. "The Fat 'Tilda" and her crew are spoken of with fear by Empire's foes and with gratitude by Waldheim's allies.

Offline thabear00

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Re: Tale Of Imperial Painters Fortnight 2.
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2007, 09:03:46 AM »
This is my fortnights contribution , the start of my unfinished (  :eusa_wall:  ) Tilean Swordsmen unit , a mix of 6th and 7th edition figures , their shields will be a mix of the new State Trooper type . I  started with 25 but it will eventuate to 30 , there are some Conquistadores in there as well . I couldnt get them all done in time , and next week im off for a month so i will fall behind , sorry .

( I hope i remembered how to post the pictures correctly )

Cheers tom
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