I've had very little time to work on my Marienburgers lately, but here's a few items..

First a DOW captain I'm using as a mouted warrior priest of Manaan. I like the figure, and like that he's simple but elegent looking. I can always use him as some other sort of hero (captain/mounted general) if I change my mind or convert a new WP.

A Helstorm. The first of two and a half.
Half? Why yes, after seeing steveb's pics, I had to dig out an old model to press into mercenary service...

The old Nippon rocket launcher. I may use it, I may not. Maybe for those big games where I want 3 Helstorms (sincne Helblasters aren't that great and STanks are only for the retarded.)
A pair of conversions...

First is a a warrior priest of Manaan on foot. It's the legs from the hero on the old comand sprue, the armoured torso of a knight (I think), an armoured left arm from the Mordheim sprue, the halberd arm also from the Mordheim sprue, a 6th ed spearman sheild with the embossed portion cut & filed off, a head from the hairy sprue, cloak from the outriders sprue (arm carved out of it) and some bits of plasticart and florist wire for the trident head.
This was my first time trying to cut a weapon from plasticard. Consdiering the shape of a trident, it was a real pain, even considering that I tried to stick with something nsimple & angular. I put the wire (as cord - I'll add some knots with greenstuff) to help hide the joint between the shaft and the stabby-pokey bit. It doesn't look great, but I'm not sure what else to do.
Any suggestions, feedback, etc. are appreciated. Let me know if you think it looks OK or not.And lastly...

A converted standard bearer, from one of the old metal halbardiers. He's the only one I've got and I've been considering a couple different conversions (mainly making him into a greatsword) but was suddenly inspired to try making a few banners from plasticard heated up over the stove, bent into shape and glued onto some plastic tube. (This is one of 3 - the best, IMHO.) So I simply cut off the halberd, fixed up the puffy sleeve where it met, drilled out the hand and then used the head as the top of the banner pole -- mainly because I was having trouble finding something else I liked at the moment. I hadn't noticed this IRL, but in that first pic it looks a little crooked. I'll have to try fixing that.