
Author Topic: absolutely no experience w/ sculpting other than playing with play doh, teach me  (Read 2233 times)

Offline Overlord Fuzz

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  • Sigmund of the Sacred Scythe
I'm planning on making a warrior priest of morr for my vampire crushing stirland force. I plan on using the luthor huss model hanging a skull from the hammer, give him a hood and give an emblem of a rose on the haunches of the horses barding. I trust myself for everything but the rose. any fool proof ways to pull this off?

Offline Immovable Object

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Think this but smaller. Oh, and ignore the bit about baking it at the end  :icon_wink:


Offline Seleucus

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On barding, I would think you need a more stylised, simpler rose, similar to the 'English Rose' used by the British Royals - see attached link:


This should be fairly simple with GS - small, thin circle of GS 'dragged' toward the centre to make the petal shape, smalldiamonds for the leaf bits, and either build up the smaller petals with more, smaller circles or pre cut petal shapes. Alternatively scribe them into the original GS Circle.

The latter will keep it fairly thin as you do not want it looking too bulky.

Don't forget to look in the Library for your Knightly orders associated with Morr - The Knights of the Sacred Scythe, Black Guard of Morr and the two orders of the Black Rose could give some interesting modelling and painting opportunities and are associated with Stirland or witch hunting.

Offline Immovable Object

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Ok, Seleucus' advice is much sounder than mine. I'd go with that.