I have painted empire for seven years now. Since I'm a very slow painter and now have four kids and a lot of other things to do my collection of painted models are not that big.
Anyhowe I got this new digital camera last summer so I thought it was time to document the army. Previously I have had two 'Nicon cool pix'. But on the first my second son just pushed the lens back into the house and it never came out again. On the second a small sand grain from the beach someware made it impossible to focus from a close distance. So now I have a "Olympus u1030" that I hope will survive for a while.
Many of the minis have been shown before on this fine forum, but I felt I wanted to bring them all together and maybe use this thread as a base for a painting blog ( I hope you don't mind ). A few has not been shown before though.
First a picture from my "photo studio" right at my kitchen window.
