Alright this is what I want to do and I found out it wont work
I want to make a custom unit named the black wolves for my sylvania army, based off the white wolves but armed with axs I plan to use axs from the marauder sprues.
Im gonna use the wolf cloaks from the white wolves and the goblin wolf riders sprues.
Now Im wanting to use empire knights but I want them to have a bretonian feel to them. At first I thought of just putting the bretonian heads on the empire knights well that doesnt work. So Im curious on idea's
One of mine is take the torso of the bretonian and mount it on a empire knight legs. the other is use the bretonian knight body but then that prevents me from giving them great ax's due to the bodies having a arm molded into the body. I was hoping in converting the axs from using the warhammers and only replacing the head of the hammer. Soo hoping other empire players can give me some good idea's.