Hi All,
I have just got an airbrush and have just barely started to use it. It's a Badger 150 and it's got the fine and medium nozzles/pins. I'm waiting for some Vallejo airbrush paint to arrive from a UK store that had free shipping (to US). I've been mixing my paints a bit before that, but having issues getting it right.
My question is if other people have been using airbrushes on Empire troops successfully? I'm mostly OnG and was able to base coat some night goblins super fast. I am thinking if I can get it right, I will be able to paint most of my Greenskins pretty fast. I've got 6th Ed goblins that are just now getting painted. If it works as well as I think it might, I might start to actually paint my Empire army. I haven't used it much and it collects dust, but with the new 8th Ed coming out, I might get a chance to use it more.
I'm thinking I could probably paint it pretty fast if I primarily use an airbrush. I want to use Wissenland colors, so that's grays, blacks, and whites. I would probably just airbrush on the skin and grays. I would just use a wash for the whites. I think it might go pretty easy.
Is there anyone who's used an airbrush successfully with Empire before? Am I way off base? How do you use yours? What is good to use the airbrush for and what is not? Any help is appreciated.