
I got a little bored now the T&G campaign is over and so is the legendary Kislevite Warrior. I bet none of you saw his death coming did you.

Anyway, I asked people for inspiration (thanks to you guys that gave it to me) and have since started my new story.
You never know, I might change all the place namesand get it published one day as a fantasy novel, in which case you guys are reading a free copy

So here is the first chapter. C&C welcome, especially criticism.
Klaus stood at the helm of his ship. He felt the wood beneath his hands, still rough as it had not been smoothed by the hands of men. This new ship, his new ship, was about to set to sea for the first time.
He had been sailing ever since he was six, going out in the harbour in his little rowing boat and emptying his pots. At the age of ten he had gotten a small yawl, with which he and his best friend Hans had gone up and down the coast line, exploring every nook and cranny, until he knew it like the back of his hand. At sixteen he had joined the one of the gun boat crews and by nineteen was in charge of one of them.
Klaus was the only son of his father, Hermann and his Sylvania mother Freya. His father was a wealthy merchant, who had been elected the mayor of their small town, and in his lifetime had turned it into a great town. The walls were strong and had repelled many raiders from the North. They had a constant militia of a hundred men, and all the able male population were trained as reserves. There were now many gunboats sitting in the fortified harbour and was full of ships bound on their way to Erengrad.
Located just behind Mananns Teeth, on the River Schaukel, the town of Spelktzer was sheltered from the Sea of Chaos. This meant that they were the perfect have for ships travelling long distances. They came from as far away as Araby, Grand Cathay and Lustria, to trade their valuables for those that only Kislev could offer; furs and pelts.
On the tip of Nordland, between the Sea of Claws and the Sea of Chaos, his father had realised the potential of their village and sought to make it an important and wealthy town. He had succeeded and now they were a successful port.
They had twelve gunboats, two brigs and this new vessel, of which Klaus had been given command. His was designed solely for speed, and so the beam was incredibly thin. In fact, though Klaus didnt know it, it was the fastest ship of its time.
They carried long nine pounders, eighteen of them on either flank. The furthest forward and back cannons could be towed to alternative firing positions, and be used as bow or stern chasers.
His crew were all experienced sailors, though not one them was a day over thirty five. He had two lieutenants, Hans his best friend was the first lieutenant and Petr, a Kislevite, was the second. Klaus and Hans were both twenty three, though Petr was thirty one. Klaus was in charge of the deck and Petr the guns, as none was a better shot than Petr. He could hit a chicken at thirty paces with a pistol.
Klaus took in a deep breath as he prepared to give his first orders as captain. Some would argue that his vessel was so small he should only have the rank of commander, but Klaus didnt care.
Slip lines! Tell the longboats to row! Were warping out f harbour! It felt strange to be giving orders, but he knew that he would have to get used to it if he hoped o be a good captain.
He felt the planks below his feet move as they began to creep forwards. He turned the wheel slowly a larboard, he had to use small movements as there was little room in the harbour. They kept moving, out through the harbour walls and into calm sea, where only a few knots of wind were blowing.
Retrieve boats! The longboats came alongside and where winched up on deck. Loose sails! The top men scurried up the rigging, heading aloft to the yardarms where they could loose the sails and get them moving. They moved quickly, but not quickly enough for Klaus. He would have to train them hard, make sure they were as quick as jack rabbits handling those sails. He didnt know how good they were at gun training, but he would soon find out.
Anyone care to guess what will happen next?