
Author Topic: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!  (Read 5863 times)

Offline Noble Korhedron

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Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:04:53 AM »
Hi guys!! As it says in the topic title, I'm asking your advice on this suject - I've discussed it a few times with my local GW staff but I feel they're getting too R.A.W when it comes to modelling projects. So, what do y'all think?

Offline Siberius

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 07:41:10 AM »
Possibly one of the easiest ways around this is to make a base to which it is not attached but sits onto.

I've found an old cd to be useful for this. You can make a cool characterful base with little slots for everything to sit in, but it allows you to field it unattached to if your opponent doesn't like it or you don't have enough room.
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Offline Moxer

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 07:42:38 AM »
I have not based my warmachines because they are easier to store without a big base. However tournaments sometimes require warmachines on bases, i am currently flocking some 40 mm bases to set the machines on when needed.
I like those big scenic bases for warmachine+ crew, but they take away too much space in storage as well as on the battlefield.
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Offline Tiberius

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 08:53:30 AM »
I am about to embark on the same task myself!  I was thinking of placing magnets on the back carriage cannons, and giving them "slots" to sit in like Siberius said.  It's way to great of an opportunity for some modeling and mini scenery to pass up just because some people freak out that War machines don't have bases.

Offline warhammerlord_soth

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 09:17:46 AM »
Foamcore is your friend for this.
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Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 09:50:07 AM »
Where are these people who are randomly upset by unbased warmachines?

Some of mine are based and some are not. It all depends on whether or not it looks good for that particular machine.

I don't like the big round bases some people use because it limits the deployment of the machine. Unless you don't stick it to the base. In which case, why bother at all?
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Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 10:12:10 AM »
If you do base it (with or without crew?) what would be gaming wise be the best base.
I guess it would be square or rectangular. So 40mm square or chariot base?

For looks I would probably choose for a chariot base and keep 4 slots open for the crew + a possible engineer or other character that might join.
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Offline Noble Korhedron

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 11:09:16 AM »
Hi guys. I was thinking of using a small GW movement tray, filled in with 40mm square bases. What say you!?

Offline Your Mother

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 12:42:46 PM »
I personally dont like basing warmachines becuase without them they just always seem like part of the battlefield.
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Offline ZeroTwentythree

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 12:53:02 PM »

Where are these people who are randomly upset by unbased warmachines?

...and this...

I personally dont like basing warmachines becuase without them they just always seem like part of the battlefield.

The only ones I've based are a few small historical guns/ribaldquins because of their tiny size & ease of transport (magnetized bases.) But all my GW machines are unbased and it has never been a problem in a game.

As far as the second half of the questions, what base to use if doing so, that's really a matter of personal preference as there's no rules covering this and the models don't come supplied with a base.

Offline Tiberius

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2010, 04:31:58 PM »
Where are these people who are randomly upset by unbased warmachines?

Whoops, I meant they get upset at based war machines.  Since in the rulebook war machines don't have bases, they think no one should.

Offline Siberius

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2010, 04:33:38 PM »
I don't like the big round bases some people use because it limits the deployment of the machine. Unless you don't stick it to the base. In which case, why bother at all?

Very true. Like I said, sometimes I use it, if I have room, sometimes I don't... if I don't.

It's certainly not the most convenient of things, but I think somtimes it's nice from an aesthetic point of view. Plus it gives you somewhere to put all those random and spare parts you end up with  :wink:. That's mainly why I did mine. Certainly in gaming terms I think the base is quite meaningless.

I should have included an example. To date, this is the only war machine I have based, probably won't do my reapers and  I only have one Empire cannon so far painted up.

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Offline wissenlander

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2010, 04:44:08 PM »
Artillery makes for a good mini diorama for sure.
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Offline MrDWhitey

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2010, 04:58:56 PM »
I based mine on bases which are small enough not to be much of a hinderance. My Reaper bolt throwers are on 60mm rounds, for example.

My empire artillery are placed on 60mm by 80mm pieces of plastic. I try to make them so they are at least as big as the piece, and with enough room for 3 members to be crowded around it (very closely).
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Offline Obi

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2010, 05:31:46 PM »
I've gone with the CD approach myself. Magnetised the cannon to it, so I can field it with or without base easily.
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Offline Ulricsberg

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2010, 05:33:37 PM »
I used the plastic top from an old tub of mini cakes, it has a nice lip around the edge.

Use 'whittled' pieces of old sprue frames to make barricades and spikes.

Offline ZeroTwentythree

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2010, 05:39:28 PM »

I don't see how it matters either way. If there's a base on it, you just ignore it for game purposes. It's sad when some people miss the "fun" part of the game and it becomes horribly pedantic.

Offline MrDWhitey

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2010, 06:06:01 PM »
I don't see how it matters either way. If there's a base on it, you just ignore it for game purposes. It's sad when some people miss the "fun" part of the game and it becomes horribly pedantic.

I only do it to make it fit more in with my army, and so I don't need to move multiple figures when aligning the gun (I'm lazy).

Anyone stating they hit the gun because they hit the base is given a stern look.
I thought he should act responsibly and just kill himself.

Offline LochNESS

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2010, 08:21:59 PM »
I usually only base the warmachine itself. Using a 60mm round base you have enough space to give it a nice themed underground. I leave the minis on their normal bases around them (better for hitting with artillery such as stone throwers if you have a cheesy opponent, afterall hitting a base counts as hitting ;) ) another big benefit is that you have still have room to place the stuff on the table on hard to get places. While big bases can be beautiful, they are unwieldy when trying to place them on a gamingtable (especially hills etc where you want them)
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Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2010, 10:46:04 PM »
Quote from: Tiberius
Whoops, I meant they get upset at based war machines.  Since in the rulebook war machines don't have bases, they think no one should.

Oh. I suppose that makes a bit more sense. I've never met anyone who minded though.

Plus it gives you somewhere to put all those random and spare parts you end up with 

Like all that stuff that comes with the rocket launcher kit. I don't think I'm ever going to use some of those things.

Nice cannon!
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Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2010, 11:28:28 PM »
I don't see how it matters either way. If there's a base on it, you just ignore it for game purposes. It's sad when some people miss the "fun" part of the game and it becomes horribly pedantic.
:::cheers::: :::cheers:::

I was going to use a different word for it, but pedantic works well and more respectful.
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Offline Helgrim

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2010, 06:02:42 AM »
I personally use cd's, and 40mm bases for the machines themselves. I like basing my war machines as it's a great way to help convey a theme throughout your army, whether it be an army defending a town or an army invading lustria! I only object to bases when they become basically unplayable (bolt throwers on top of mini cliffs springs to mind)

Offline Etrigan001

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Re: Basing warmachines - yes or no?! If so, how?!
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2010, 01:22:24 PM »
Based warmachines do look cool. I've always thought about doing mine but like others have said it makes storage and transport a bit more tricky.
