
Author Topic: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)  (Read 26803 times)

Offline Generalisimo

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Re: Bakalla's new and ever slowly growing thread of painted empire models!
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2010, 12:39:51 PM »
Nice  :icon_biggrin: Thanks

Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's new and ever slowly growing thread of painted empire models!
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2010, 02:18:16 PM »
I am attending a tournament in a couple of weeks. The empire has been my favourite army for a long time, and it's the only army where i have enough models to field a 2250 point army.  So i will play the empire. I've been thinking a lot about the tournament, and whether to play a fun army or a more competitive army. In the end i decided to field this army, which i consider to be a fun army. It's got very little shooting, little magic and only one warmachine... the steam tank. The gryphon is something i've never seen used in a game, so i'm sure that will shock some of my opponents!

I had some other units i wanted to add to the army for strategic reasons, like a unit of handgunners, but in the end i decided against it and went for esthetic choices all the way - just picking the most interesting models and best painted models i have in my collection.

The entire army in all it's empirical glory. It's hard to take a photo of so many models at once.. What you see here is what's in the actual 2250 point army: the gryphon general, the steam tank, 20 flagellants, 19 greatswords with 9 halberdiers detachment and a BSB on foot, 25 free company, 2x5 knights with full command, 2 wizards, 10 crossbowmen and 10 huntsmen!

The general on gryphon. Truly weak in the game but a truly great model! I've tried to match his shield design and helmet design throughout the army to tie the army together a little bit.

2 battle wizards of fire.

19 greatswords with full command and a BSB on foot, 9 halberdiers detachment. The unit consists mostly of old metal models, and even a gnome and a ninja!

20 flagellants with a prophet of doom, all metal models from the 6th edition.

My favourite unit in the army... There are 25 models in the unit, the flagellant in the front row is the standard bearer, next to the rogue champion, next to the cannon crew singer (musician). Most of these models are old citadel models, a prophet from talisman, rogues from talisman, johann the knife from mordheim, some flagellants from mordheim etcetera, etcetera.

5 knights with full command (i know it's weird to give 5 regular knights command, but it looks good and feels cool, and gives them a little extra punch...)

5 more knights with Luthor as the champion.

10 crossbowmen with full command... Same thing here, i know it's weird to give them a command group, but it looks cool. The models are all metal, some marksmen of margliano (dogs of war) and some other, very old citadel models.

10 skirmishing huntsmen with a tiny, tiny halfling leading them, backed up by Legolas from the old LotR range and a samurai archer... though my favourite model is probably the bearded guy with the crossbow.

The old metal 6th edition steam tank, for throwing at my opponent if everything else goes wrong...

I hope you like it!  :-D

I'm thinking about removing the Gryphon lord and the BSB from the list and exchanging them for a War Altar and a captain on pegasus, and make the knights inner circle. It would make the list a LOT more powerful i think... any thoughts?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 02:25:22 PM by bakalla »

Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2010, 02:47:54 PM »
What a fantastic army! Great to see all those older miniatures too.

I'd keep the griffon - giant chickens of doom are much more fun than priest wagons.
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Offline orcyboy

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2010, 03:10:28 PM »
Great old minis! 

Is that a ninja mixed in with the great swords, pure awesome!!!

Offline Generalisimo

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2010, 04:45:44 PM »
Cool army you have there,  free company just awesome  :icon_mrgreen:  :icon_mrgreen:

Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2010, 04:49:14 PM »
Great old minis! 

Is that a ninja mixed in with the great swords, pure awesome!!!

Thanks... Yes, the ninja is dressed in green and in the back row of the greatswords, ready to furiously (and invisibly) leap at any kind of enemy with his giant katana! (and shurikens...)

I probably will keep the gryphon in the list, i agree that he's a lot more fun and interesting choice than the standard war altar.

Offline Zak

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2010, 08:21:14 PM »
I love these old school guys ...very cool  :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Yes I'm dyslexic so what

Offline steveb

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2010, 04:32:23 PM »
memories, ahhhhhhh! now I will have to go to my dungeon and oopen old boxes. steveb

Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2010, 03:47:22 AM »
I made a display board for my army. I'm attending a tournament next weekend, not hoping to win a lot of games but hoping to get a lot of points for my painting  :-D

Offline red bull

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2010, 09:46:38 AM »
Well if you don't get any points, I may as well give up now.
No matter how good a general you are; if the dice are against you, you will not win.

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Offline WallyTWest

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2010, 02:00:37 PM »
Wow.... just fantastic. One of my WE top 20.

1. Paint scheme
2. Complete Army presented w/ Board
3. Good Army Photos
4. Fantastic use of old miniatures
5. Love for the army.
6. Theme and lack of gun line.

Sir, you have balls. All the power to you and best of luck.
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Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2010, 05:50:00 AM »
Wow.... just fantastic. One of my WE top 20.

1. Paint scheme
2. Complete Army presented w/ Board
3. Good Army Photos
4. Fantastic use of old miniatures
5. Love for the army.
6. Theme and lack of gun line.

Sir, you have balls. All the power to you and best of luck.

Thank you very much, those points are actually the reasons why i like my own army as well. I've painted it purely for the fun of it, because i love the models, especially the older models. I really do like the way the army has turned out, particularly the fact that it has very little shooting and/or magic... it's more fun to play the empire without outriders, twin cannons and 10 dice of magic, belive me!   :::cheers:::

Offline Gforce

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2010, 06:17:40 AM »
Wow nice army, Bakalla, wish i could get mine painted to that standard. Of course i can paint nids well, but i suck at painting humans. I like the six'th ED Stank as well, dont see those old models anymore.
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Offline Bonkers McArdle

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #38 on: April 20, 2010, 02:48:44 PM »
 :eusa_clap: Very nice looking indeed! The colors are nice and bright without looking "cartoony".  I love the paint job on the gryphon, very realistic looking.

Offline Fandir Nightshade

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2010, 03:03:55 PM »
This army is the BLAST! I especially like your Johann the Knife model your painting skill is astounding.

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2010, 02:37:33 AM »
Wow! :icon_biggrin:

How did I miss this before? :icon_eek:

This really looks quite stunning wiht all the older models and the color scheme is wonderful. :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::

Please report back and let us know how you did, ok?
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Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2010, 07:15:40 AM »
This really looks quite stunning wiht all the older models and the color scheme is wonderful. :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::

Please report back and let us know how you did, ok?

Thanks! The tournament starts tomorrow so i'll let you know how it goes. I have rediculously high hopes for my general - he and his griffon will charge directly at any enemy generals, especially those mounted on dragons...  :ph34r:

Offline bakalla

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2010, 05:47:02 AM »
Okay, the tournament is over and i'm generally very happy with how it went. I got nominated for best painted army! I didn't win best painted though, but it was pretty close. My general on gryphon wasn't as bad as i thought he would be, he actually contributed quite a bit in most of the games and only died in 2 out of 5 games. The gryphon is hard to play well, but it's not entirely bad i think...

Anyway, i had 5 games - the tournament uses scenarios and ETC like army restrictions. Each game has 20 points in total divided among the two players.

Game 1 was against a very tough VC army, so i was happy only losing by 6-14. In this game my free company unit got charged in the flank by a unit of fell bats and a flying vampire on nightmare and i ended up beating them by static combat resolution - killing the vampire! The free company were actually very good in all of the games...

Game 2 was against a tough Dark Elves list, but it was a hold objectives scenario so i managed to win 12-8, thanks to my free company staying out of his charge reach and holding the objectives.

Game 3 was me against Lizardmen, a very good game that ended up 9-11 in his favour. My gryphon general charged a skink priest on stegadon with engine of the gods in this game and managed to stay alive until the last turn and killing his only wizard (the skink) in the second turn of the game, so he was very useful.

Game 4 was against Wood Elves. He had a pretty solid list but wasn't a very experienced player (i assume). It was another take and hold objective scenario and i managed to win 20-0 in the end. My inner circle knights were crazy in this game! They destroyed a tree man quite easily (i got the charge) and killed dryads like they were nothing. My general got killed by his general in this game but in that very same turn of combat my gryphon struck back and needed 6's to hit (because of annoyance of nettlings) and i rolled a triple 6! So i did 3 hits and 3 wounds and he didn't manage to save any of them - so his general killed my general but the gryphon took instant revenge! The gryphon then rolled on the monster reaction table and became unbreakable (and unmovable) for the rest of the game, which was pretty favourable for me.

Game 5 was against an insanely hard Daemons of Chaos list... I felt pretty bad against this match up and i was certain it would end up a complete massacre in his favour. He had 4 fiends, two units of 6 flesh hounds, a big block of plague bearers with herad, 2 khorne heralds, 5 flamers etcetera. I managed to play pretty well though, keeping his fiends at bay with my gryphon and diverting his other units with my knights and my huntsmen (!), so in the end i lost 6-14 which i'm very happy about considering the difference in power levels between our two armies.

In the end i got 53 victory points out of 100, which i'm very happy about considering the softness of my army. I got 28 out of 30 possible painting score which i'm also pretty happy about and i had five very nice games and had fun with a soft list while proving that the gryphon general is not completely useless...  :ph34r:

Offline StealthKnightSteg

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Re: Bakalla's army of Sylvania (now very picture heavy!)
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2010, 08:08:02 AM »
Very nice tournament played then!!

Gives me hope for my 2000pt plus lists when I want to field a griffon general myself as I just love the old griffon model!
That and I don't have a WAltar nor will get one soon.

Best thing that I read was you having fun and almost winning the painting competition!! Very good!
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