Zombie cultists completed!
I tried a new technique with these. Having painted in enamels for decades, using a black undercoat and ‘cell shading’ cartoon style over the top, I thought I’d have a go with acrylics. However, I wanted the figures to ‘fit in’ with my existing armies, so I didn’t go the whole hog. Instead I sprayed a white acrylic undercoat, then painted, washed, drybrushed and inked away at the flesh, then I slapped a black enamel on all the clothes and weapons and painted those in my usual style. I was hoping to save time (always a consideration when trying to paint a unit of 50) also, but I am not entirely sure it was quicker than my usual method.
I like the more ‘subtle’ way the faces came out – much better close up than my normal style.
I didn’t think of ink ‘til late on, having never used it before, and I now think I will use it again.

I like the scabby bloodiness of the wounds, which I also washed some green into.
Some of the guys turned out particularly threatening.

Another new thing – I used square 4 figure bases instead of the long ones. I think it’ll make it even easier to rank them unit up.

As for the experiment with hair – I can’t decide if it worked well or not. I thought it would look more, well, hairy!