Why thank you for the welcome.
I glanced at/bookmarked your webpage and I must say Bravo!

I am toying with the idea for my barronages fluff containing a decendants from some solland refugees that were happily welcommed into the community and have intergrated with no angst whatsoever with the wissenland people. Because obviously they have graciously appreciated the help they recieved and are proud to call themselves Wissenlanders! Some families may carry on coats of arms and colors from the solland days but the is simply out of respect for their families heritage.
Afterall, anyone who speaks against Wissenland, the Countess, or the Emperror, deserves to die a traitors death. Hmmm?

And I'll throw in some fluff about a nearby troup of dwarf miners that worship a forrest lady with the last name White, first name Snow.
....or maybe a distant cousin of Joesph Bugman set up a tavern in town and brought a blacksmith buddy to make armour for my greatswords.