I've been revisiting this lately as I'm really wanting to start a thread to unload the inane nonsense from my brain and document the incredibly slow progress I'm making - it might spur me on to do a bit more.
I had progressed with the idea of a Wordpress site and did set one up but it is looking like a lot of effort to maintain that I really can't be arsed or have the time to keep on top of, I am therefore dabbling once again with purely image hosting services.
Couple of questions then;
1. Anybody any recommendations between the likes of imgur and Flickr as to which is most user friendly or has the most free capacity etc.? Not sure I would want to pay for a subscription tbh. Aware this has been asked to death but things seem to change regularly in that landscape (see photobucket fiasco).
2. Has anybody ever encountered any issues of plagiarism with their photos? People re-sharing them elsewhere and claiming to be their own work? Not sure if this is much of a thing but just a thought as I was considering trying to put a watermark or something on my pics before I share them anywhere. I did see once where a guy had found a pic of his own Space Marines on pinterest without ever uploading them there.
Any tips, advice, recommendations would be much appreciated as I really don't have a big online presence so content sharing is a very big and very new thing for me to approach.