Marc’s Nordland Army
Here is a photo of the whole army. I played in a 4000pt a player allies game so I took the opportunity to get them all out for this photo shoot.

The army is schemed Nordland yellow and blue. And is named after the Capatus, Muncher Marc. He was often seen with his halberd causing havoc when I first modelled him. He now runs with a lance but I have magnetised the right arm so I can swop him back.
I have been playing Empire since I started Warhammer and some of these models were in my first purchase. I selected blue and yellow before I realised that Nordland had those colours but I have to say I’m happy with the fluff.
The way I have modelled up the army is based on regiments which come with their own supports. You will see the parent with a 5 man free company and 15 man sword detachment. They are also supported by a shooting unit and have a hero to lead them.
There are four such units.
Halberds (Grimblades) supported by xbows and a warrior priest. Photos above.
Halberds supported by handguns and a warrior priest and captain (Harry). Photos below.
Spears (Sharpes) supported by bows and a captain
Greatswords supported by handguns and a warrior priest
The flaggies run by themselves.
The mounted troops include two units on knights and two of shooting:
10 knights with lances and a captain
6 knights w. Photos above.
5 outriders. Photos above.
The engineering core is well supported with:
2 engineers
4 cannon (crew for 3)
2 motors
1 helblaster
1 stank
In the Lord department I have:
Elector Count Mounted (with the crowned skull shield)
Mounted Lord with great weapon
Ul-Ulric (with wolf head shield)
War Altar for Ulric
Wizards are strongly represented.
2 Grey shadow mages (Scrivener and one mounted)
1 Heavens
1 Death
1 Life
1 Fire (red)
1 female
Heros are listed above with their units but are also listed here separately.
Capatus (Marcus Marc or Muncher Marc)
Mounted BSB
Mounted captain
Captain with 2 hand weapons
Captain with hand weapon and shield (Harry)
Here is REGIMENT 2
Next up are the green halberds, 39 strong. They only saw use as 3*3 detachments in the previous rules. They have a filler in the front row to boost the numbers. When I set them up for the photo I couldn’t find their base, I think it had been borrowed. So they are only 9 wide.

This detachment has all been converted from old halberds, some weapons swops and some have had the shaft shortened and the arm and axe realigned, so that they are not too uniformed.

The FC detachment. I’ve tried to group similarly armed FC together so you can identify which parent they are from. I need to give this some more thought.

The shooting support unit is the handgunners with caps, (no feathers). They come with a muso and hochland long rifle.

The attached WP is colour co-ordinated with his unit having green binding and book. It took ages to win him and the mounted WP of Ulric, but worth the wait.