
Author Topic: Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow  (Read 15665 times)

Offline Gregourious

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Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:20:47 AM »
I finally finished painting my Empire Army (well most of it is now painted). It stands are neally 7000pts.
 :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:
Some units are of a higher std then others but this generally reflects a rush befor a tournie and never getting back to do the highlights.

I consider them to be a battle std and do not compare to some of the magnificent armies displayed here, but I am very happy with them.

All I really need to do now is take some better picks.

First up are the pistoliers.

Next the outriders,  who are mostly converted knights.

Here is the most recent regiment I have added. the Grimblades (yes I have read the book).

They way I have modeled up the army the regiments come with their own supports.

Here is the WP that goes with the white halbreds.

and xbows

I'm not really a big fan od these old feathers but they add some white
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 09:41:01 AM by Gregourious »

Offline Commander Bernhardt

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 09:30:34 AM »
it is a nice looking army!

don't worry about the quality, at least yours is painted!
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Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2011, 08:49:14 AM »
Muncher Marc’s Nordland Army
Here is a photo of the whole army. I played in a 4000pt a player allies game so I took the opportunity to get them all out for this photo shoot.

The army is schemed Nordland yellow and blue. And is named after the Capatus,  Muncher Marc. He was often seen with his halberd causing havoc when I first modelled him.  He now runs with a lance but I have magnetised the right arm so I can swop him back.

I have been playing Empire since I started Warhammer and some of these models were in my first purchase. I selected blue and yellow before I realised that Nordland had those colours but I have to say I’m happy with the fluff.

The way I have modelled up the army is based on regiments which come with their own supports. You will see the parent with a 5 man free company and 15 man sword detachment. They are also supported by a shooting unit and have a hero to lead them.

There are four such units.
Halberds (Grimblades) supported by xbows and a warrior priest. Photos above.
Halberds supported by handguns and a warrior priest and captain (Harry). Photos below.
Spears (Sharpes) supported by bows and a captain
Greatswords supported by handguns and a warrior priest

The flaggies run by themselves.

The mounted troops include two units on knights and two of shooting:
10 knights with lances and a captain
6 knights w. Photos above.

5 outriders. Photos above.

The engineering core is well supported with:
2 engineers
4 cannon (crew for 3)
2 motors
1 helblaster
1 stank

In the Lord department I have:
Elector Count Mounted (with the crowned skull shield)
Mounted Lord with great weapon
Ul-Ulric (with wolf head shield)
War Altar for Ulric

Wizards are strongly represented.
2 Grey shadow mages (Scrivener and one mounted)
1 Heavens
1 Death
1 Life
1 Fire (red)
1 female

Heros are listed above with their units but are also listed here separately.
Capatus (Marcus Marc or Muncher Marc)
Mounted BSB
Mounted captain
Captain with 2 hand weapons
Captain with hand weapon and shield (Harry)

Here is REGIMENT 2
Next up are the green halberds, 39 strong. They only saw use as 3*3 detachments in the previous rules. They have a filler in the front row to boost the numbers. When I set them up for the photo I couldn’t find their base, I think it had been borrowed. So they are only 9 wide.

This detachment has all been converted from old halberds, some weapons swops and some have had the shaft shortened and the arm and axe realigned, so that they are not too uniformed.

The FC detachment. I’ve tried to group similarly armed FC together so you can identify which parent they are from. I need to give this some more thought.

The shooting support unit is the handgunners with caps, (no feathers). They come with a muso and hochland long rifle.

The attached WP is colour co-ordinated with his unit having green binding and book. It took ages to win him and the mounted WP of Ulric, but worth the wait.

Offline rufus sparkfire

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2011, 02:23:31 PM »
Fantastic army!

Blue and yellow always look good together.
Hey, I could still beat up a woman!
If I wanted to.

Offline Zak

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 02:50:47 PM »
 :::cheers::: yes it it!!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 04:36:02 PM by zak »
Yes I'm dyslexic so what

Offline Erik Von Karlson

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 04:11:00 PM »
Great army! :::cheers:::
My Middenland Army: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=37453.0

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Offline Carcharoth

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 11:44:31 PM »
By Sigmar I do love seeing a painted army like that. 4000 points worth of painted force is some dedication.
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Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2011, 01:58:12 PM »
Here is the next installment. I have posted these before in an old Walter  link but here they are again with Ul-Ulric. First up Ul-Ulric, I have given him a shield for WSSIWYG and I lost the icons coming from his back.

This Walter is based on the old war wagon, kindly donated to me by a Dark Elf player. Thanks Clinton. I cut up the walls to give it a more chariot feel and added a lectern to pray from. The wolf heads at the front and back just finishes it off.

Note the wolf head above the horses.
Here you can see my Walter crew. I added him because I just couldn’t come to terms with Walter running around without a driver when Ul-Ulric died. He is an old metal goblin but he comes up quite well as crew.  The chains for the horses go through whole in the front of the wagon and up to his hands. I also added side chains and some scrolls and things from the flaggie spew.

The great swords are the centre of the 3rd regiment. They are a mix of the old guys and the current metals. I have removed the feather from the old guys, improved them no end. There are a couple of other odd models, including the unit champ who is from the war wagon. I have added a halberd blade to his shaft.

This detachment is a real mix, some old halberds, spearmen and the odd swordsman. The old halberds have weapon swaps, some of them still have their big bulbous feathers. The spearman are all the guys which had the spear going straight up so I have given them a new sword carrying hand. The unit all end up with swords and triangular shields. This helps keep each sword detachment looking distinctive.

The FC detachment have halberds.

Still to come the artillary, cavalry and regiment 4 the spearmen.

Offline Zak

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 02:30:38 PM »
 :::cheers::: cool dude
Yes I'm dyslexic so what

Offline Erik Von Karlson

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2011, 05:47:16 PM »
Awesome War Altar! :eusa_clap:
My Middenland Army: http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=37453.0

There is no facepalm that can fully illustrate the state of mind I am currently in...

Offline Naitsabes

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2011, 05:23:40 AM »
Great army!

I enjoyed the really old halberds and their conversions. funny, I did some very similar weapon swaps. Great minds think alike, I guess :icon_rolleyes:
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Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2011, 09:21:14 AM »
Life has got in the way but here is the next batch. Next up are the cavalry.

The pistoleers and the outriders have individual pics above.

These guys are your std empire knight with lance. In the latest touch up they got some colour. I think I could add some more? They are painted so they can be two vanilla units. One with yellow and blue feathers the other with white and blue. The std can be replaced with a lance. I think the shields have gobo origins. I have run them with the round lion shields used by spearmen.

The other unit have great weapons. These have been an increasingly favoured unit. Some of the hammers are custom made

I can add a couple of lords and warrior priest.

Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2011, 10:04:10 AM »
Regiment four.

The spears are up next and form the last regiment. They really only see table in big games in 8th. They are 35 strong and have a 15 man sword detachment with the same shields as well as a 5 man FC one. With the addition of a filler they can make a horde. I still have some on a spew.
You may also see one of the warrior priests here for hatred, and if the points allow I also like to add a captain.

The sword men with the feathers were originally spearman. Add a hand and sword instead of spear and you are a go.

The FC detachment

The shooting support comes from a second handgunner unit with muso and repeater handgun, 18 strong. When setting these guys up for the photo I noticed a feather needed painting and the unity still needs a wash. There is also another unit worth still on the spu. It never ends.

The flaggies were a lot of fun to paint as I took the view that the numbers would be added to as the travelled so the colour would not be uniform. There are still a few on the spu.

Offline Gregourious

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Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2011, 10:06:23 AM »
Other options

There are two archer detachments I can add where required one of 7 the other with yellow bows 6 strong.

They originally had darker bows but after painting out the other unit with lighter bows, these guys went for colour. They do look better on the table.

There are also a number of fillers for when a larger unit is required.
The fence use to be part of the base for the Stank, but I cut it off when the base size became smaller.

This is the wolf stone. Note the blue wolf head. It is an all places filler.

Two of the hounds wear harnesses. 

This feller was designed to go in the greats words. He is the man catcher from the warwagon.

Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2011, 10:08:14 AM »

Well here they are the heavy hitters of the Empire. Nordland is an ocean going community and we tend to steal out cannon when we need them from the navy, hence the conversions to the older cannon.

I  have filled in the sides and have given them full wooded wheels.

I got carried away and also did a mortar.

We are not big on engineering so the helblaster is a little out theme for Nordland, but I loved it so in 7th. I still run it in 8th occasionally but it targets the small units or those that come in from behind or below.

The big land cannon, it the pride of the engineers. I only run it in bigger games when I can really have a big artillery force.

Offline Gregourious

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Re: Muncher Marc's Nordland 7000pts of blue and yellow
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2011, 10:11:23 AM »
Characters are last

The lords are first and include the Grand master and GOTE, both posted above.

The Warrior Priests of Ulric

First up is Ar-Ulric with shield (WUSIWUG). The next two are WP of Ulric models, you just have to love these models. The last two are old models I picked up over the years as part of larger army buys on ebay. They both have shield and weapons swops.

The wizards are many and varied.
From the left the heavens, fire, shadow by 2, female and life. There are of cause several unpainted ones not shown here. The life wizard was done in about 5 seconds while I waited for some paint to dry. Not bad for the time spent. My favourite are the shadow wizards, they just come together without any real though.




Grey, I really liked the way these guys came out. The colour just seemed to suit. I usually labour over colour selection.

Purple, just purple. She had been sitting on the shelf awaiting inspiration and I had some purple left over from another model so on it went. I think the purple, red and gold make her look that little bit more wealthy.

The Life Wizard, this guy was painted in the blink of an eye very late one night. He needs stripping and starting again. I just wanted a life wizard for a friendly game and he would have been the only unpainted model.

I painted up this guy for when my wizard turns into a toad. Has never happened.

These are my engineers.

Here are the captains.

Captain on a horse. The body is an old acolyte model with a weapon swop.
The BSB is a brit, the banner includes the Nordland icon.

My Capatus is the old wizard model. I had a habit of running him with a halberd, but have recently gone back to a lance. The arm is magnetized for easy changing.

Next up are the BSB on foot and another acolyte model with a weapon swop. The final model is the original Harry the Hammer. I was days off doing a head swop on him when the new rule book came out and there he was all famous and stuff.

I’m already looking and some of the photos and thinking that model still needs or those FC could go some more detail. It will never end. Some of these models have been enhanced two or three or four times as my skills have improved.

Well I think that about covers it. It’s taken a while to get them all uploaded. but it’s all done now. I hope it inspires some as much as some of the others have me.

Thanks to all those who have commented or viewed.