Very welcome to this painting and sculpting log.
In this log you will follow my progress with a unit of Knight's of the Black Rose, as well as some other stuff.
Here is the first painted Knights in the unit:

The full unit looked like this a while ago:

Picture of this project can be seen from page 1-4, 9.
Some work on classic Reiksguard and Great Swords:

More pictures on page 2-7.
Another add is a renaissance of my old Stir River Patrol project which I painted up several years ago:

More pictures on page 4-5.
An Amethyst sorceress painted mostly for the challenge:

Pictures on page 6-7.
Tzarina Katarin/Celestial Wizardes:

Page 8.
Please read to the end of the topic and make a small comment, and you will make my day ever so much better!
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Hello folks!
I'm currently working on a unit of inner circle knights. Thought I should share some of it here.
As i looks now they will be of the order of the Black Rose. I was previously thinking about doing them as Knights of the Everlasting Light, as a part of a Verena themed army, but have now been rethinking. I now think my army will be a Talabecland army with mixed diety's, mostly, Morr, Verena and Taal/Rya. No Sigmar though, in my book, he's no real God

Anyway here is a picture of one of my knights so far:

I got some inspiration about the moon from one of John Blanche's pictures in the 5th ed. Empire army book. Fluff wise he is from a noble family with a moon as their heraldic sign. But since this is a small order, the order of the Black Rose don't have their own smith's, but the knight themselves have to get their armour made. At least I think I read somewhere that only the biggest knightly orders had their own smiths... Anyhow, so I figured he would have kept some of the armour from before joining The order. A note on that is that all the knight will have really unique armour.
I would be very happy for some tips about how to proceed with the horse armour. I'm thinking of adding a text with 'Deus Morr', on the absolute front. And then some kind of buckles on the sides (like those often seen on historical armours). Maybe adding some skulls on the buckles or a pair of suns, what do you think?