I need to go back and reread this thread. I recall some good stories that were written back in the day this thread was prospering. Probably like when Solland prospered back in its day.
Good idea ........... read it over breakfast .........................
I'll save that for the Back Table area.
However, having this Solland thread rise again, kind of like Solland itself, is putting me in a mood to paint some Empire figures. Haven't done that in a good while. I've got a whole bunch of them recently lined up on a piece of foam board to see what I had, along side some Skaven figures as well, but seeing how much painting needed to be done, I just wasn't motivated. Maybe this weekend I can do a bit. I've still yet to paint a unit figures dressed in yellow and white for Solland, yet perhaps one day. I'm now vaguely recalling a unit painted by Uryens' in yellow and white, but I have so many other projects rolling that who knows when I might do a unit of Solland heirs ready for battle.