
Imperial Artisans ... The Painters, Crafters & Writers Guilds => The Brush and Palette => Topic started by: Mariner on May 17, 2011, 03:45:36 AM

Title: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Mariner on May 17, 2011, 03:45:36 AM
I've had this annoying thing going on with miniature collecting where I can't start painting until I've finished collecting and building the army, it's almost like OCD.

Well, I haven't quite finished my empire army, but did manage to break the cycle and paint my first empire mini since 93, a Middenheim cannon crewman, and it was most enjoyable, a very refreshing change from space marines and guard troopers.

Title: Re: Broke my mental block
Post by: wardenmunger on May 17, 2011, 06:23:36 AM
Looks very nice. You shouldn't stop until you have 2400 points of men!I like your blue alot.
Title: Re: Broke my mental block
Post by: Kirgan on May 17, 2011, 09:24:01 AM
Good work after so long time  :happy:
Title: Re: Broke my mental block
Post by: Zak on May 17, 2011, 01:18:26 PM
"PAINT" my brother   :::cheers:::
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Mariner on May 19, 2011, 02:52:18 AM
The postman was very good to me today, filled my mailbox with lead from a bunch of sources, when it rains it pours!  Glad I beat my wife home so I could secret them all away on my desk.  Voland's Venators, some Reiksguard on foot, old metal outriders and a really old Citadel man at arms in plate armour with deep kettle hat.  Totally awesome, but he's way smaller than most other models, could easily be a child in full plate. 


So now my collection is almost complete, the last few models are trickling in but I'm 99% there.  This Empire collection marks a different approach for me.  With other armies, I have collected the models to fit a particular all comers list.  This time I've got enough models to pretty much tailor the list for each opponent and try out all sorts of tactics.  It's going to take me ages to paint it all though...

Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Mariner on May 19, 2011, 03:15:19 AM
I found that using excel makes army organization a lot easier...

Three main sections, Nordland, Middenheim and Mercenaries.  I know the mercs aren't a legal army any more, but I like them and I can use some units mixed in whatever lists I come up with from this lot. 
Picture is smaller making the text hard to read, full size here: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5109/5732706138_63b6e126b0_b.jpg
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Mariner on May 31, 2011, 12:33:18 AM
So this month's painting competition gave me some motivation to paint a couple of knights.  One is a Knight Encarmine, one of GW's secular orders with a color scheme and some basic background material.  I love the red armoured knights, so I decided I needed a unit in my army.


The other is from an order of my own design, the Order of the Ship & Lobster...


The Ship & Lobster was a coaching inn near the Nordland coast, attacked one night by a large raiding party of norse.  Wilhelm Traeger, brother of the landlord of the Ship & Lobster and captain of the local militia force, arrived with his men too late to catch the norsemen or save the inn, but did find his dying brother in the courtyard, a norse arrow through his neck.  With his dying breath, Gerald Traeger told his brother the location of the inn's gold & reserves of fine ale and asked him to avenge the loss of the finest drinking establishment in a hundred miles.
Wilhelm took the partially burned sign from the Ship & Lobster, and with the considerable wealth from the inn's safe, equipped his men with horses, weapons and armour.  Hoisting the sign high, and with a cart of fine ale in tow, he and his men vowed to kill any and all norse raiders.

My other diy knightly order is another based in Nordland, also equipped with great weapons, the Order of the Sea Porcupine. Haven't done any of those guys yet though...
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: klunc on May 31, 2011, 12:58:26 AM
The Ship & Lobster was a coaching inn near the Nordland coast, attacked one night by a large raiding party of norse.  Wilhelm Traeger, brother of the landlord of the Ship & Lobster and captain of the local militia force, arrived with his men too late to catch the norsemen or save the inn, but did find his dying brother in the courtyard, a norse arrow through his neck.  With his dying breath, Gerald Traeger told his brother the location of the inn's gold & reserves of fine ale and asked him to avenge the loss of the finest drinking establishment in a hundred miles.
Wilhelm took the partially burned sign from the Ship & Lobster, and with the considerable wealth from the inn's safe, equipped his men with horses, weapons and armour.  Hoisting the sign high, and with a cart of fine ale in tow, he and his men vowed to kill any and all norse raiders.

I like this a lot. I can't wait to see your 'standard bearer'
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: SlimShady on May 31, 2011, 02:23:53 AM
like the knights  :::cheers:::
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Lachieo on May 31, 2011, 03:31:23 AM
Awesome Knight Encarmine and I must say that is the best founding for a knights chapter I have ever heard. :::cheers:::
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Novogord on May 31, 2011, 05:28:46 AM
Some good work in here :)

I see that you have one of those old real 25mm knights, from time's long ago. You can still order these from Wargames Foundry, maybe you could then make a whole unit out of them?

And even in the real world no one is the same build / height as another, so I should worry to much about that.
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: DariusZero on May 31, 2011, 07:36:22 AM
I like the colour scheme on both knights, and the way you painted them. It's nice to see at least someone uses vivid colours for  the armour. You should easily win the competition.
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Cannonofdoom on May 31, 2011, 07:38:27 AM
I really like the blue on the second one. What colors did you use?
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Silver Wolf on May 31, 2011, 11:10:52 AM
Amazing! :eusa_clap: Keep us updated, please...
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: King on May 31, 2011, 03:42:51 PM
How did you go about painting that nice red finish on the knight encarmine's armour?  Care to give us the steps you used.  It really is a nice deep red
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Mariner on May 31, 2011, 07:19:57 PM
Thanks for the kind comments guys.

Let's see...the blue on the second horse was hawk turquoise with a wash of asurmen blue all over, then a heavier wash pooled between the ridges of the barding. Highlights with hawk turquoise, then hawk turquoise with a dash of white.  Oh yes, primed white, painted with vallejo game colours so the names are similar enough to GW.

The red on the Knight Encarmine was an absolute pain in the ass, I probably couldn't replicate it for the others in the unit if I tried.  I really wanted to get as close to the red on the GW version (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/article.jsp?categoryId=400015&pIndex=13&aId=300007&multiPageMode=true&start=14) as possible, so I started with red gore, washed/glazed with old citadel purple ink, highlights in red gore mixed with grey (can't remember the name, label wore off). Black and silver for chipped areas, but the highlights looked silly and the chipped areas distracted from the look of the plate, so I went over the highlights with red gore again, painted over the chips, then washed with badab black.  Then I tried a really watered down mix of red gore/grey/white to highlight, result looked too pink, so some more badab black applied in recesses and then glazed with a mix of vallejo glaze medium and old citadel red ink.  Suffice it to say I'll be doing it differently next time... if anyone has a clue how GW did theirs I'd love to hear.   
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Erik Von Karlson on June 01, 2011, 03:43:33 AM
Nice work! Looking forward to seeing more of the Order of The Ship and Lobster!
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Cannonofdoom on June 01, 2011, 11:50:04 AM
My favorite red, and similar in shade to the GW Encarmine, is a base of (Foundation Paint) Mechrite Red, highlight with Khador Red (a brighter "Blood Red" from the Privateer Press P3 line), wash with Badab Black, then re-highlight with Khador Red, then Fiery Orange if necessary. I never add white to my reds, if I want to lighten up a red, I always use orange or yellow. Adding white makes it pink.
Title: Re: Broke my mental block - Mariner's Plog
Post by: Gedeon Mootinberg on June 02, 2011, 04:12:05 AM
Nices figs and very interesting lore!

Is it  a kind of parody about warhammer reals knights orders? Anyway, I like it a lot!!! ;):P