
Author Topic: Discworld Inspired - It's 5pm so its.....................  (Read 23510 times)

Offline Zak

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Re: Discworld Inspired - Happy Hogswatch
« Reply #50 on: January 04, 2023, 08:39:57 PM »
hahahaha love it  :::cheers:::
Yes I'm dyslexic so what

Offline Gankom

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Re: Discworld Inspired - Happy Hogswatch
« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2023, 05:33:25 PM »
Ha that is just brilliant! Love it!

Offline GamesPoet

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Re: Discworld Inspired - Happy Hogswatch
« Reply #52 on: January 05, 2023, 09:57:13 PM »
Fabulous! :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline JAK

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This figure is Sharkbelly’s fault.

I’d never seen or heard of the Biophagus before he showed his conversion so I hope he doesn’t mind that I’ve copied this his idea. 

The top row shows the initial parts that I thought about using, and the bottom most of the parts ready to paint.

Before joining the body halves together I cut the handle off the pistol to make it into a pouch. I didn’t want to use the Genestealer legs and carved a pair of Empire ones down to fit (by coincident they were the same ones used by Sharkbelly for his Engineer.) which also allowed me to reduce his height slightly as he is much taller than the old Empire figures he is going to join. I trimmed a little off the bottom of his coat but he is still well over 6 foot. I’ve also added the hourglass from the donor body to his belt in case he has to time an experiment. Rather than the staff he is now holding a glass phial.

There is a large hole where his head goes and having been through my bits box again I’ve gone with Sharkbelly’s choice as the beard covers most of the gap and saves a lot of GS sculpting. I changed the floppy feathered hat for a fur trimmed one like the rest of his unit.

He has a portable table with fold out work surface and set of drawers containing, who knows what. (just got to finish painting the extras)

The Biophagus comes with his own familiar which originally I didn’t intend to use but I then thought if a spell at the University resulted in the Librarian an Alchemist’s potion can create Herr Verstecken.

Offline Rowsdower

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Isnt there a quote from Sam Vimes in one of the books that goes something like this
"I dont care if they blow up their guild for the tenth time, provided bits of it dont get launched through my police station"

Offline Sharkbelly

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Very cool!

Offline GamesPoet

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It is great to see all the parts like that, helps show the effort that goes into it from a different perspective, and thank you for sharing.

 :icon_biggrin: :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline JAK

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Thomas and Herr V are now attached to their base.

The table is covered in the tools of his trade; the two flasks from his backpack are now mounted on retort stands and part of the backpack is now a box containing glass jars. There are bottles and a pile of books from the interior of a Hurricanum, the load for a rocket being prepared plus a book of spells formulae.

Offline JAK

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I’ve realised that my photos of the Guild of Alchemists that Thomas was built to join were in one of the threads ruined by Photobucket. I rebased them for a Build an Army competition a few years back; they are shown again here with new pictures and their original story.

For those of you that don’t know Discworld, Ankh-Morpork is ruled by a cruel and ruthless tyrant, Lord Vetinari. He has agents and spies everywhere. Anything you don’t understand in the following account will be due to a spy passing on the information or an agent ensuring something happened.

The Guild of Alchemists, as alchemists in all fiction and real life, have one main aim which unfortunately in Ankh-Morpork means many explosions and damage to their Guild House and surrounding buildings. Fed up of this daily occurrence Lord Vetinari made an unannounced official visit to the Guild during which he requested a demonstration of experiment 67/45D. A glass test tube was set up, filled with many coloured liquids and powders and ignited with a small flame. Inexplicably the tube turned round on its stand, the flame, now at the bottom burst into life and the tube left its stand and launched itself upwards through the ceiling, the upper four floors and the roof of the building and once into the open air descended behind the Palace to a height of 8 foot where it cruised along Upper Broadway and on to the road to Sto Lat. Nobby Nobbs on guard duty at the Hubwards Gate said he lost sight of it around a mile out of town. Vetinari immediately banned the Guild from conducting any experiments within 3 miles of the city walls.

Over the next few months, many discussions were held in the Guild which resulted in the development of a projectile that could fire experiments the required 3 miles away from the city saving on transport and other costs. After further refinements they could be precisely targeted meaning that a single man on foot could easily monitor all the day’s landings. It was a shock then when 6 months after his first visit Vetinari paid another visit to the Guild and ordered them to provide a number of their projectile launchers and projectiles with a charge of experiment 67/48F loaded with either experiments 23/55, 76/56R or 85/22M for military use. To placate their objections he agreed to a small space being made available between the two named experiments into which the Guild could load another experiment of their choice. The Guild would also be able to claim all gold found on the military training areas and on any future battlefield, excluding coins, buttons and teeth which he felt were the perks of the infantry.

The first projectile launcher consists of a standard pack of seven tubes into which projectiles can be placed. They can be loaded on site or back at the Guild House and are easy to transport via cart to the permanently firing area based outside the city walls. The tubes are then firmly chained onto a firing carriage before ignition. One of the fuses appears to have gone out but no one has noticed yet.

For busy or productive days at the Guild a clockwork launcher is used. The centre revolves and individual projectiles are loaded after lighting the fuse using the patented ignition system. It can fire a missile every 10 seconds with an accuracy to within 100 feet which unfortunately makes it a difficult and dangerous task for the experiment observer, but Vetinari was most impressed.

For that one-off experiment a number of smaller units have been devised to save having to wait to use the larger launchers. A hand cart that can take up to 4 projectiles and individual tubes with folding legs that become their own launchers.
The piazza's centre star marks the standing point for the newly developed hand held bazooka launcher, although it seems there are still a few teething problems with it. It is also the place where Thomas Silverfish, President of the Alchemist Guild likes to set up his his portable work station on the occasionally times he leaves the Guild building. With his faithful assistant Herr Verstecken he is seen preparing experiments to be loaded into waiting rocket shells.

Following steveb’s tradition of showing what happens at the receiving end, one of those aliens who was  previously seen on the Photobucket destroyed thread has found what he thought was a dud. Looks like he may also have found/be the missing ingredient for turning base metal. 

Discworld might not have guns or black powder but at least it now has artillery.

Unfortunately I have no WiP of the figures and just these few of a new base.
The launchers are scratch build incorporating parts from the GW Empire Helblaster/Helstorm Rocket Battery; the rockets, one gun carriage and the box for the hand cart. The gunners are a mixture of empire and Brettonian figures and the other gun carriage is from a metal Helblaster.
The figures came inside the City Walls for the army competition and the piazza display was so they could be seen behind some infantry units lined up in front of them. The piazza has solid wooden bases with thin wood walls which have been covered in cardboard flagstones and bricks. Some strip-wood and plastic balls decorate the tops of the walls.

Offline GamesPoet

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Wow, lot's of goodness there, congrats! :icon_cool: :eusa_clap: :::cheers:::
"Not all who wander are lost ... " Tolkien

"... my old suggestion is forget it, take two aspirins and go paint" steveb

"The beauty of curiosity and creativity is so much more useful than the passion of fear." me

"Until death it is all life." Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Offline Rowsdower

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Thats great

Offline JAK

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Re: Discworld Inspired - It's 5pm so its.....................
« Reply #62 on: November 11, 2023, 08:56:20 PM »
While making the City Watch I made a number of additional cobblestone boards, the intention being to rebase AoS style some of the already built Ankh-Morpork units that Photobucket lost to the Forum. My RSI is still giving some grief but no real diagnosis despite it being well past the 6 weeks rest the ‘Quack’ originally said would cure, but I felt the need to do something constructive.

This is an old unit that I don’t think has been shown on any Forum before. They were built around the time Mordheim was popular although they were not specifically designed as a playable group. They did have a display board that has been damaged which is part of the reason I’ve rebased them first.

The back wall and signpost had been detached but were otherwise undamaged and have been used to cover the unrequired holes of the new board. For those of you that have read the book you may recognise the character who doesn’t appear but who’s coming is foretold and for those of you that have seen the film you may recognise one of the thousands of ‘extras’ that appeared in it.*

Jonathan Teatime is a trained assassin, pretty in a boyish way with a young, open and friendly smiling pink and white face topped with curly hair. One faintly glowing grey glass eye, the other normal eye yellow-white with a small pupil like a pinhole - a tiny dot in a sea of white. He is matchstick thin, but strong and had weapons concealed about his clothes.

The original figure is Aenur a hooded elf swordsman from the Mordheim game. He has a new head and a pistol crossbow to replace his sword. Being an assassin I added as many additional weapons as I could, not an easy task due to the stance of the figure; a knife through the top of his boots, an extra knife handle at the front of his body and the bottom tip of a sword scabbard peeking out below his cape against his left leg. Finally, the hand holding his cape across his front, Dracula style, also holds a knife which follows the line of his cape and being of assassins darkened steel is not always noticed.

He was painted a little brighter than I would have normally done an assassin mainly due to the fact that I entered him in a painting competition. All was going well until someone from the audience said “but he’s not an Elf”. The shop manager returned to him, said it’s been converted as well I’d better disqualify it and promptly awarded his best mate the winner’s title.

Mr Brown is a neat elderly man. A locksmith by trade who carried his tools around in a big leather tool bag which included little springy things, little bottles of alchemy and a ring of several hundred almost identical pieces of bent wire.

An old Games Workshop villager to which was added the tool bag and ring of lock picks, then painted in many shades of brown for some reason.

Mr Sideney is a student wizard who’s belongings included a pointy hat, a thin book and a lantern with a green filter.

Mr Sideney started as a wood elf spearman but by the time I had finished with the milliput not even the Games Workshop staff could recognise their own figure, although the body is nearly as it was. I added the pointed hat and robe to the floor plus belt to hid the join and a small bag for his tools. The book and lantern are Mordheim accessories, the book was thinned down before being glued together and his hand had to be remodelled to hold it.

Chickenwire wore boots and had a sword.

He and the remaining figures were built out of parts contained in the Empire Militia box. With so few details about him he ended up with the pair of legs with thigh high boots and is armed with a sword and dagger.

Medium Dave Lillywhite was a thoughtful and patient heavy set man, considered intelligent as some of his tattoos were spelt wright. He smokes cigarettes which he rolls himself from a bag of tobacco he carries. Armed with a sword he is protective of his brother Banjo.

None of the Militia heads looked intelligent so one from the Empire crossbowman set was used together with one of their bodies with a breastplate. He is only armed only with a sword so I felt he needed a little bit of armour. He has a small length of wire protruding from his mouth for a cigarette. His tattoo is not one of the correctly spelt ones. It's a red rose with the word "rows" underneath it.

Banjo Lillywhite was the largest man of the group. A big bald head, with pink piggy eyes, always had one blocked nostril and was open mouthed; a blank vacant face while waiting for an order or a new thought to turn up.

To emphasize his size he was given a large two-handed sword. The origin of the plastic head is not known, it had been on a number of different figures before but was just what Banjo required, big, bald and opened mouthed.

Peachy had dreadlocks, a beard you could keep goats in and carried a crossbow.
I chose a head with a lot of hair and then added more with milliput, sculpting it with a pin point. In addition to his crossbow he has a sword.

Catseye wears boots with laces.

I felt the group needed another missile man and a one-eyed marksman seemed just right for the name. His boots have been fashioned like a pair of Doc Martens.

The complete group.

* The Hogfather – a puppy called Spot and part of the Tooth Fairy’s collection.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Discworld Inspired - It's 5pm so its.....................
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2023, 08:56:36 AM »
Hello, inner child. I'm the inner babysitter!
ALSO: There is ALWAYS a present that makes noise. What else would 4 AM be for?

P.S Is the advertisement behind them from Moving pictures? It's been nearly 20 years since i read that one.

Offline JAK

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Re: Discworld Inspired - It's 5pm so its.....................
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2023, 09:27:00 AM »

P.S Is the advertisement behind them from Moving pictures? It's been nearly 20 years since i read that one.

Yes - the first three reeler in Moving Pictures.

Sword of Passione. A Tumultuous Saga of of Desire an' Raw, Raw, Raw wossname in the Primal Heat of a Tortured Continent! Romance! Glamour! In three Searing Reels! Thrill to the Death Fight with Ravening Monsters! Scream as a thousand elephants……..

I cannot take credit for the poster it was sent to me many years ago by someone who thought I might have a use for it.

Offline Rowsdower

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Re: Discworld Inspired - It's 5pm so its.....................
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2023, 12:36:05 PM »
Now i remember Cut-me-own-throat-Dibbler, staying up all night, penning a script for someting called 'Blown away'